May 15, 2020

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May 15, 2020 Do not aggrieve another man…        Behar 25:17  

The murder of Ahmaud Arbery has a 106-year-old Georgia precedent: the kangaroo court conviction and lynching of Leo Frank, a young Jewish-Atlantan entrepreneur. Concurrently, the U.S. Army manual actually warned of Jewish “malingerers” and IQ-testing of “eastern European” immigrant U.S. soldiers had demonstrated that Jews were intellectually inferior, data anticipating by nearly 100 years Charles Murray and his epigenetic perfidy. Real estate red-lining and restrictions on Jewish education and employment were also precedents so analogous to the African-American experience that it’s inconceivable that the Jewish mainstream today, so anxious over the surge of alt-Right anti-Semitism, is not seething over the obvious connection between vigilante or constabulary violence against Blacks and the historical Jewish experience.   “I did not speak out; then they came for me…”