March 28, 2020

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March 28, 2020 “When a ruler sins… Vayikra 4:22

A prayer of thanks for the governors, like Ohio’s Mike DeWine, showing such courage and leadership in this frightening crisis. While the feds were ignoring the urgency or even profiting from it, Govs. DeWine, Cuomo, Newsom, etc., cancelled school, non-essential work, and public events, mobilized resources, and “told it like it is.” Though the President publicly disputes assessments of Dr. Fauci, the esteemed head of the Ntl. Inst. of Infectious Diseases, our Governor appears committed to credible communication. Hazak v’Baruch to our clergy, providing internet-streamed prayer minyans and classes while dealing with sick congregants, funerals, etc. A meshaberach for brave medical professionals and for generous citizens working the hunger centers, social service agencies, and homeless shelters. And teachers distributing school supplies in the inner city and who, everywhere, are reaching out to kids to maintain their intellectual growth. The teachers’ union provides guidance to anybody on online learning. And finally, to the wonderful people employed by our Jewish agencies and Federation. How much more meaningful now are our gifts as our most vulnerable struggle to cope. A safe and peaceful Shabbat to all!