March 7, 2020

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March 7, 2020 “Merry with wine, King Ahashuerus ordered Queen Vashti to display herself to his banquet guests”   Book of Esther 10-11

Powerful men are enabled to project their power illegally, but with immunity. Even the tragic fate handed Vashti for her refusal to be exploited is merely a Biblical subtext to Esther’s courageous entrapment of Haman. Non-disclosure agreements, access to media, professional control, etc., all permitted Weinstein, Cosby, Trump, Clinton, Strauss, Lauer and untold less famous others to freely foist their depravity upon women as best exemplified by Trump’s famous Access Hollywood recorded boast that his celebrity allows him to grab women’s genitals with total absence of accountability. It’s not just sexual imposition, however. Trump’s sly manipulation has corrupted the very definition of “truth” and, with the collaboration of Fox News, he has been able to seize the narrative whether misrepresenting immigrants, climate change, critical regulation, or providing immunity to his rich friends and acolytes. Unchecked power has no limits.