March 25, 2022 Do not make yourselves abominable”         Shemini 11:43

This Conservative Supreme Court has been the most activist since the 60’s. A sampling: Denying states’ the right to require campaign gift disclosure, inventing religious exclusions to civil rights laws, granting corporations 1st amendment rights (didn’t see that in the Constitution!).  Republicans may decry “judicial activism”, but that’s just phony partisan hype.

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March 18, 2022 “That soul shall be cut off from its people”   Tzav 20:20 

Republicans embrace Russian-style censorship in schools and public discourse. They’ve instituted Russian-style voting practices in states they control. Fox News mimics all the malign implausibility of TASS. Republican nativism has an ominously Russian kinship. Strangely though, Republicans derive their gun policies from the Democratic Republic of Congo.  

Continue Reading March 18, 2022

March 11, 2022 “When a ruler sins” Vayikra 4:22

In 2018, Donald Trump scandalized the G7 by endorsing the Russian conquest of Crimea. In 2019, when Zelenskyy refused to join his anti-Biden carnival, Trump withheld $400M of weapons for months, including critical Javelin missiles. Since defeating Putin’s puppet, Joe Biden has re-established a Western democratic alliance, defending the Ukrainian people, and armed a heroic resistance in Russian aggression.

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March 4, 2022 ” He emplaced the partition”     Pekudei 40:21

Supporters of Jewish schools are schizophrenic about separation of church and state. For Jews, as legislatures and courts promote public funding of religious schools despite flagrantly discriminative practices and curricula exemptions, to condone any element of the crusade to limit 1st Amendment protections is ultimately naïve and dangerous.   

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