December 10, 2021 Let not your anger flare”       Vayegash 44:18

Most non-vaxxers are the dupes of anti-vaxxers, many of whose social media posts and websites compare mask and vaccination mandates with Nuremburg laws, a sad marginalization of the Holocaust. Worse are descriptions of COVID as a Jewish conspiracy.  The anti-vaxx movement brims with antisemitism

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December 3, 2021You have done evil” Mikeitz 44:5

Voting restrictions, laws dictating women’s health choices, ceaseless promotion of guns, anti-demonstration mandates, meddling in school curricula and even business economic threats requiring anti-BDS pledges all recall the “benign” initial steps of authoritarianism. History teaches this isn’t good for Jews.

Continue Reading December 3, 2021

November 26, 2021 Would you reign over us?”     Vayeshev  37:8 

General Flynn’s demand for “one nation, one religion” is a peek under the lid of the Right’s deeply held, but rarely confessed anti-Semitism. Their pro-Israel gestures are designed to leverage Jewish influence and money, but their ascendance is as bad for Jews as for every other minority. 

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