November 19, 2021 “Rescue me from my brother”   Vayishlach  32:12

 “Cancel Culture”, “anti-White discrimination”, and “critical race theory” are devices the Right seizes upon to insert its devotees onto college and public school boards, village councils, and church committees for opposing social justice, radically laundering curricula and reading options, and promoting creationism.

Continue Reading November 19, 2021

November 12, 2021 I am able to harm you”       Vayetzei 31:29 

Naftali Bennett hasn’t changed his colors, but his strategy to empower the Palestinian Authority and strengthen schools and services for Palestinian and Israeli Arab communities demonstrates wise governance and thwarts Hamas’ aspirations: Leadership, not mercenary politics.

Continue Reading November 12, 2021

November 5, 2021 “we can be fruitful in the land”     Toldos   26:22 

Paid child care permits poor mothers the dignity of work. Universal pre-school develops educated children. Free community college gives our young adults a competitive edge. Ultimately, these negative-net-cost programs are desperately needed for our economy to thrive and compete.

Continue Reading November 5, 2021