September 3, 2021Return to the Lord your God with all your heart and soul”    Nizavim  30:2

A Happy New Year to ALL –  filled with sweetness and health, a year of tolerance, justice, compassion, and community. L’Shana Tova!

Continue Reading September 3, 2021

August 27, 2021 Accursed is he who leads the blind astray”    Ki Savo  27:18

Typical non-vaxxers are the result of the weaponization of their credulousness by a libertarian fringe, by the Right, and by the radical Left. It is a subversive leveraging of naivety as a human frailty by a cult of cynics bent on conceit and indifferent to suffering.

Continue Reading August 27, 2021

August 20, 2021When you go to war against your enemies”   Ki Teitzeh 21:10 

Our retreat from Afghanistan’s failed military and government is a surrender to militant Islam that is dangerous for America and for Israel. Like the Iraqi adventure, the Afghan war lacked vision and purpose and was, therefore​,​ doomed at the outset, but a new Islamic republic is a chilling reality. 

Continue Reading August 20, 2021

August 13, 2021 “You shall not pervert judgement” Shoftim 16:19

Tucker Carlson’s glorification this week of Hungarian dictator Victor Orban whose whitewashing of Hungarian Nazi collaboration, use of anti-Semitic tropes to vilify his enemies, and xenophobia arouse fear for 100,000 remaining Jewish Hungarians speaks volumes about how the Fox puppet masters view Jews and regard democracy. 

Continue Reading August 13, 2021

August 6, 2021 “To your heart’s desire you may eat”   Re’eh 12:20

 The Ben and Jerry controversy shouldn’t be its opposition to Israeli West Bank occupation. It should be only about its deceptive negligence to condemn Russia, India, Ethiopia, China, Myanmar and other regimes directing much more repressive occupations and humiliations. No dessert for Ben and Jerry.

Continue Reading August 6, 2021