July 30, 2021Love the stranger because you were one in Egypt”     Eikev 10:19

Preserving DACA protections resonates powerfully with Jews. Consider those denied immigration who died in the Holocaust, the miraculous resettlement here of survivors, and the Jewish migration from the U.S.S.R. Let’s make room in our hearts and find space in our country for these young aspiring Americans.

Continue Reading July 30, 2021

July 23, 2021 You shall not bear false witness”   Va’eschanan 5:17

The Republican war on public health is unrelenting. Trolling CDC leadership, abetting anti-vax trolls, passing laws to thwart masking, vaccine advocacy, and public health norms, impeding women’s health providers, and banning Medicaid expansion, their strategy is to incite their base despite the toll in lives lost.

Continue Reading July 23, 2021

July 16, 2021He shall wage war for you”   Devarim 3:22

Killer Putin? President Biden is standing up to a vile tinhorn dictator whose murderous ambitions in the Artic, Syria and Ukraine, whose environmental outrages, whose repressive governance, and whose hostile sabotage and looting of our digital networks have left millions as refugees and murdered and dangerously harmed our national institutions.

Continue Reading July 16, 2021

July 9, 2021If a man swears an oath, he shall not desecrate his word”    Matos 30:3 

Certainly skeptical that recent hundreds of voting laws were enacted for election security, the Trump Supreme Court has nevertheless abandoned the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Not, however, for Constitutional reasons; it merely re-construed the Act as in comport with the devices of Red State legislators hell-bent on voter suppression.

Continue Reading July 9, 2021

July 2, 2021 “Surely you shall give them a portion          Pinchas” 27:6

Nearly 100 years ago, a pitiless world spurned Jews seeking safety from cruelties and deportations inflicted by Germany and its accomplices. Today, ignoring the horrors of the Northern Triangle, Syria, and north Africa, we again treat desperate victims as mere freeloaders and interlopers. Shame!

Continue Reading July 2, 2021