May 21, 2021 “bitter water that causes a wasting away”   Nasso 5:18

The biggest obstacle to Palestinian aspirations is not the Israeli right nor settlers nor politicians. It is Hamas, a Mafia that diverts precious international aid to terrorism, suppresses civil rights and foments belligerence. The entire region suffers a drought in water and leadership. 

Continue Reading May 21, 2021

May 14, 2021 “There shall be no wrath upon the Children of Israel” Bamidbar 1:53

Confiscation of Palestinians’ homes may be Bibi’s political strategy, but it’s an illegal, cruel, and dangerous provocation that legitimizes the contempt of Israel’s enemies and endangers her standing as a lawful democracy.

Continue Reading May 14, 2021

May 7, 2021 Observe my ordinances and perform them”     Behar 25:18 

How is it that when contemptable politicians in both Israel and the U.S.A. spurn public safety and public health policy they are still adored even by those mourning their trampled or COVID-slain loved ones.

Continue Reading May 7, 2021