April 30, 2021Do not desecrate My holy Name”    Emor 22:2

Red state legislatures that have recklessly curtailed voting rights, obstructed women’s health services, curbed gender expression, and inflated gun culture, are now, in 24 states, restricting Freedom of Assembly. The silence of Jewish Republican voices is tragic. 

Continue Reading April 30, 2021

April 23, 2021 “Love the stranger amongst you for you were strangers in Egypt ”   Kedoshim 19:34 

Children at our border, refugees from ruthlessness and violence, are a humanitarian crisis. Distilling it as an immigration problem is a crude, dishonest political device. Jews should best understand this. Indifference to social disintegration in the Northern Triangle will only intensify the immigrant surge.

Continue Reading April 23, 2021

April 16, 2021He is to call out: Contaminated, Contaminated”       Tazria 13:45

Elites of the Right obsess over “socialism”, “cancel culture”, and corporate tax rates, but ignore real crises such as poverty, health care inequity, and social injustice, in utter contempt of their own working class and rural base. 

Continue Reading April 16th, 2021

April 9, 2021 “Distinguish between the contaminated and the pure”   Shemini 11:47

By welcoming the Kahanist racist “Religious Zionist Party” (it’s newly laundered name) into his government, Bibi benightedly justifies those slandering Israel as Apartheid and he mocks every Jewish survivor of marginalization and expulsion.

Continue Reading April 9, 2021

April 2nd, 2021 “The Israelites left Egypt armed”        Exodus 13:18

The vulgar deification of unfettered gun ownership, devised by the NRA, gun manufacturers, and the politicians they coerce, is another example of the right weaponizing naivety, fear, and bitterness to incite proselytes.

Continue Reading April 2nd, 2021