January 22, 2021 “I have made the hearts of his servants stubborn”    Bo 10:1

The Capitol takeover exposed another fabrication of the Right: That the right to bear weapons should have no constraints. Assault weapons and high-capacity pistol magazines WILL be brandished for political advantage and to threaten civil society. Second Amendment fanaticism serves no real purpose but to accessorize violent dissension. 

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January 15, 2021 “I shall incite against you a swarm of wild beasts”    Va’eira    8:17

In 1859 Democrats declared that John Brown’s Harpers Ferry outrage exemplified Republican abolitionists. Abraham Lincoln responded, “John Brown is not a Republican.” Similarly, Donald Trump and his boot-lickers (McConnell, Cruz, Jordan…) are insurrectionists, not Republicans. Republicans need a new Lincoln, not more bottom-feeders.

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January 8, 2021 “Come, let us outsmart the people”        Shemot  1:10

Does permitting the U.S. to arm the Emirates, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabian with F-35 Stealth fighter jets benefit Israel or does it benefit Israel’s prime minister? Is Arab despots’ recognition worth risking Israel’s qualitative military advantage? Better to reach across the Green Line for a truly historic and meaningful peace. 

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January 1, 2021 “and I will bless them”   Vayechi  48:92020

This has been a strange and challenging time, a year of tragedy, antagonism, mismanagement, and isolation. Now we know that in 2021 we will emerge from the pandemic menace. May this be a new year for justice, civil discourse, equality, and generosity – a year of blessing for all of us. 

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