December 4, 2020 ” They were fired deeply with indignation”     Vayishlach     34:7 

A public obsessed with outlawing abortion, yet unmoved to combat the death penalty, rural and inner-city excessive infant mortality, slaughter in Ethiopia, China, Myanmar, Syria, Yemen, and the Congo,  nor pandemic starvation is a solely political, not a moral movement.

Continue Reading December 4, 2020

November 20, 2020 “The might shall pass from one regime to the other”   Toldot 25:23

Trump’s defeat won’t end the promotion of investment, nationalistic, racist, and libertarian tropes by corporate political powers. That hype is how they maintain their exemption from regulation, enforce suppression of minority, worker and environmental protections, and legitimize monopolistic consolidations. For now, they merely lost their carnival barker.

Continue Reading November 20, 2020

November 13, 2020 “Hashem had blessed Abraham with everything”       Chayei Sarah 24:1

Through enriched preschool, childcare, and after-school programs, by age 6, wealthy children already sit atop a vast Education Gap. A truly civil society that provides these to EVERY child reaps a surge of productive adults and assured economic growth.

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November 6, 2020 God tested Abraham        Vayeira 22:1 

Issues such as food security, universal health care, public education, living wage, upholding voting rights, ensuring public health, housing equity, environmental preservation, confronting climate change, and a negotiated Israeli/Palestinian peace are moral canons. Making them partisan has become an existential failure of American political culture. 

Continue Reading November 6, 2020

October 30, 2020 “His hand shall be against everyone”      Lech Lecha    16:12

As the widely-anticipated “second wave” of coronavirus infections takes hold, one can only gasp at the irony of a White House overrun with infection and a President who refuses to champion safe practices, rails against responsible actions taken by his own FDA and CDC appointees, and brazenly doubles down on his pandemic lies. 

Continue Reading October 30, 2020