July 24, 2020 “You slandered in your tents…”    Devarim 1:27

The anti-Semitic trope of Jews as puppet master has a disgraceful pedigree, from 19th century France to state-run Arab media, to pre-Holocaust Europe, to the rantings of Father Coughlin and Henry Ford. No coincidence, perhaps, when Fox “News” host Ray Arroyo refers to Mike Bloomberg as “Biden’s Puppet Master” and his colleague Lou Dobbs execrates George Soros for “tentacles” controlling State Dpt.  foreign service officers and corrupt FBI officials and Bill O’Reilly called Soros the “shadow puppet master” and Fox stands by Nick Cannon who denounced Rothschild control of finance.. Meanwhile, Fox-boy Tucker Carlson, who refers to White Supremacy as “hoax”, devotes an episode to exalting Henry Ford. What Jew could ever stomach or employ Fox “News”? 

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