July 31, 2020 “A great nation that has righteous decrees”    Va’eschanan 4:4     

We’re told welfare destroys incentives to work. Consider de-funding these welfare programs: 1) The mortgage interest deduction, 2) Government subsidies to corporations, 3) Corporate tax breaks that lower average corporate taxation to 13%, 4) The 15% hedge fund manager tax rate, 5) Wall Street bailouts, 6) Price supports for large farms, 7) Tax-exemption for pension contributions, 8) Favored tax treatment of dividends and capital gains, 9) Tax deferral of home sale profits, 10) Accelerated depreciation, 11) Oil, timber and coal producers’ tax exemptions and subsidies. Bust those welfare queens.

Continue Reading July 31, 2020

July 24, 2020 “You slandered in your tents…”    Devarim 1:27

The anti-Semitic trope of Jews as puppet master has a disgraceful pedigree, from 19th century France to state-run Arab media, to pre-Holocaust Europe, to the rantings of Father Coughlin and Henry Ford. No coincidence, perhaps, when Fox “News” host Ray Arroyo refers to Mike Bloomberg as “Biden’s Puppet Master” and his colleague Lou Dobbs execrates George Soros for “tentacles” controlling State Dpt.  foreign service officers and corrupt FBI officials and Bill O’Reilly called Soros the “shadow puppet master” and Fox stands by Nick Cannon who denounced Rothschild control of finance.. Meanwhile, Fox-boy Tucker Carlson, who refers to White Supremacy as “hoax”, devotes an episode to exalting Henry Ford. What Jew could ever stomach or employ Fox “News”? 

Continue Reading July 24, 2020

July 17, 2020 A murderer who takes a life unintentionally  Masei 35:11 

Hail to the governors and legislatures of Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, and, especially, champion Arizona, each of whose new cases of Covid-19 over the past 7 days per 100K of population exceed those of California, New York, and Pennsylvania combined. Marching to the Trump-ets’ blare, these back-to-business zealots are forging paths of infection and death that, perhaps unintended, are nevertheless the consequences of their “Conservative” political strategies. When the business of the State is business – and not life, the price is measured in lives.

Continue Reading July 17, 2020

July 10, 2020 They distress you with their contrived plots.   25:18 

Eager for a politically fruitful retreat from the Afghanistan morass, Trump’s sham negotiations with the Taliban were further discredited by reports of Russian bounties. “Hoax” he protests, but who is he really protecting? His patron Putin, whose cronies laundered rubles at Trump casinos, whose wholesale purchases of condos in Trump developments permitted him to finance their construction, who manipulated social media to benefit Trump’s election, to whom Trump abandoned southeast Syria, betraying our Kurdish allies, and whose sanctions and whose NATO opposition Trump has worked tirelessly to enfeeble. Distressful 

Continue Reading July 10, 2020

July 3 2020 “I will put a ban on their cities”     Chukas  21:2 

Collectively, we didn’t love America enough to confront police violence and racism and, now, both Black Lives Matter and kneeling are Mainstream. Do we love Israel enough to oppose annexation of Occupied Territories and routine Palestinian repression – before Boycott-Disinvestment-Sanctions and condemnation of Israel go Mainstream in America? Even a Congress inured to Jewish support and a citizenry that idealizes Israel have tipping points. The willingness of the Israeli government to risk its favored American status is a dangerous insolence.

Continue Reading July 3, 2020