May 29, 2020

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May 29, 2020 “​…expel them so they don’t contaminate”     Nasso 5:3

Nearly 60% of U.S. Covid deaths were 75 years or older, more than half (30K) in long term care facilities. Back on 3/11 when WHO called this a “pandemic,” but Donald Trump, despite intelligence from China and Italy to the contrary, described America’s risk as “very, very low,” Menorah Park/Montefiore, on their own initiatives, instituted protective strategies, began taking employee temperatures, and ended group dining and recreation. That same day, Trump’s CDC still permitted gatherings of 50 and actually restricted testing. Nor in the next few weeks did CMS, which promulgates Medicare requirements for nursing homes, issue preventative measures or even routine isolation procedures. Attending only to politics rather than really leading, Trump should be held accountable for the deaths of thousands of helpless elderly in dozens of facilities with, regrettably, less foresight than the two exemplary Cleveland ones.