May 22, 2020 “The Levites shall safeguard the performance of the assignments” Bamidbar 3:7

With his four sackings of Federal Inspectors General, his latest the State Dept. I.G. who was investigating unethical practices there, Donald Trump has seasoned his Russian-style swill of corruption by throttling accountability to the American people. Whether his inept and dishonest Covid-19 response, his illegal manipulation of Ukrainian aid, the monitoring of his implementation of a $3 Trillion stimulus or the apparent new scandals he’s quashing at State, Trump’s scheme to avoid blame is to destroy the entire apparatus of oversight. His Biblical precursor, Ahab, conducted a similar purge of prophets who decried his idolatry and larceny. Ultimately confronted by Elijah, his reign was doomed. Today, in the absence of an effective Congressional response, Trump’s insolence will proceed unabated.

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