May 1, 2020       The Kohen shall don the sacred vestments      Acharei  16:32

Having mobilized all the key practices for Personal Protective Equipment and safe distancing and with no options to suspend vital activities, our Jewish agencies are courageously maintaining essential services to their dependent clients. JFSA and JCC are delivering meals to homebound elderly and holocaust survivors. At JFSA, counselling and services to dementia and Alzheimer victims are on-going as are programs for the mentally ill and in residential homes for developmentally challenged. Domestic violence programming continues unabated as well. Bellefaire, while protecting and assisting its residential clients, is exploiting digital communication to its dispersed client base as are our various day schools. With heightened precautions, Menorah Park/Montefiore is protecting both residents and vulnerable staff and contradicting every bit of public anxiety about nursing homes and infection. All of this is being done despite severe financial constraints, woefully little guidance from government, and the added burdens the epidemic has imposed. No politics this week. Just gratefulness! 

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