April 17, 2020 Shemini 10:10 That you not die, distinguish between the contaminated and the pure    

Outside of New York, the Jewish community is, thankfully, barely stricken and is not surprisingly less attuned to the crisis of infection, impoverishment, and food insecurity among the urban poor. Similarly, we are less appalled at how the rate of infection has skewed higher due to the administration’s failure to mobilize testing. Where are the tests? Among the Presidential bloviations in this month of fear, his promise of a vigorous testing regimen rings the most hollow. His seminal 3/13 broadcast touted actually non-existent corporate commitments to nationwide drive-in drugstore-based testing and similarly non-existent Google test management software. South Korea and China contained the virus by testing symptomatic citizens and tracking their movements, quarantining those exposed. U.S. testing capacity is woefully late and inadequate except in misleading Trump press conferences. 2 years ago, despite SARS, MERS, H1N1 and predictions of a new pandemic, he disbanded the NSC pandemic directorate that might have advised the him regarding the real dangers of Covid-19 earlier and effectively. How many of our 23,000 deaths could testing have prevented?

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