February 28, 2020

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February 28, 2020 “…take for me a portion from every man”    Terumah 25:2

Two years after Trump and his Republican corporate toadies promised their enormous corporate tax cuts would generate dramatic growth and expanded manufacturing, the chief effects (according to non-partisan data) has been a punishing (for our children!) trillion-dollar deficit. Since the tax cut, job growth is actually lower than the last years of the Obama administration. Business capital expenditures are dramatically down, manufacturing indexes are seriously reduced, foreign earnings repatriation is curtailed, and overall tax revenues are significantly decreased, refuting (again) the laughably discredited “Laffer effect.” What is UP, besides income inequality, are corporate dividends and stock buy-backs proving once again the lie of “trickle-down”. The tax cuts merely rewarded wealth. Not exactly the Biblical model.