July 19, 2019

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July 19, 2019…come now and curse this people for me ”   Balak 22:6

In 2008, Republicans attacked Barak Obama because his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, condemned the U.S. for terrorism against Viet Nam, Iraq and American Blacks and for deceit in justifying invasions of Iraq and Viet Nam. Donald Trump, however, who somehow found “very fine people” among the neo-Nazis brownshirting through Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us”, hasn’t heard a peep of opprobrium from those Republicans about his Social Media Summit last week in OUR White House, his freak show of internet trolls, white supremacists, anti-Semites (including vile Sebastian Gorko, member-in-good-standing of anti-Semitic Magyar Garda), and of Trump’s Dark Web sycophants, all proudly legitimized by a President marshalling hate to animate his base.  Do we Jews hear echoes of Germany, Poland, Moab…?