August 9, 2019

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August 9, 2019 “You girded on every man his weapons”   Devarim  1:41

Sunday, the local newspapers front page depicted camouflaged white man-boys crawling with their assault weapons, pretending to be soldiers of fortune.  The same day, 2 more white man-boys with their M-16s slaughtered 2 dozen of their neighbors in Dayton and El Paso, the 124th and 125th American man-boy mass-murderers so far this year, all feeling valorized by the Right’s legitimization of political hate and by the NRA – the advocacy voice for arming white man-boys. A Supreme Court of supposed grown-ups elevates this infantile compulsion to religious 2nd Amendment sanctity. And a Cleveland Jewish Federation taskforce, now re-considering its gun policies, includes some of our own white man-boys, terrified that we’re coming to seize their guns. Israelis fear terrorists. Here, we must fear a flock of pathetic manipulated political sheep, desperate to prove their manhood.