April 8, 2022 “He shall slaughter the sheep”                   Metzora 14:13

For whom must Republicans obsessively invent ways to arm the public, to encourage carrying weapons, to protect gun misuse from prosecution, and to abolish any form of regulation, including training, red flag laws, and curbs on arming the mentally ill? These days, guns are the only civil right they acknowledge.

Continue Reading April 8, 2022

April 1, 2022 “Declare him contaminated”                 Tazria 13:3

Here’s an idea: Never merely say, “Putin.” Instead, only say, “Putin Diyetka Ubiytsa”, in Russian: “Putin, baby killer “. Post it on Facebook. Tweet it. Get everybody you know to share and like it. Make it viral. Make it ubiquitous. Just as the Russians do when they disrupt us.  

Continue Reading April 1, 2022

March 25, 2022 Do not make yourselves abominable”         Shemini 11:43

This Conservative Supreme Court has been the most activist since the 60’s. A sampling: Denying states’ the right to require campaign gift disclosure, inventing religious exclusions to civil rights laws, granting corporations 1st amendment rights (didn’t see that in the Constitution!).  Republicans may decry “judicial activism”, but that’s just phony partisan hype.

Continue Reading March 25, 2022

March 18, 2022 “That soul shall be cut off from its people”   Tzav 20:20 

Republicans embrace Russian-style censorship in schools and public discourse. They’ve instituted Russian-style voting practices in states they control. Fox News mimics all the malign implausibility of TASS. Republican nativism has an ominously Russian kinship. Strangely though, Republicans derive their gun policies from the Democratic Republic of Congo.  

Continue Reading March 18, 2022

March 11, 2022 “When a ruler sins” Vayikra 4:22

In 2018, Donald Trump scandalized the G7 by endorsing the Russian conquest of Crimea. In 2019, when Zelenskyy refused to join his anti-Biden carnival, Trump withheld $400M of weapons for months, including critical Javelin missiles. Since defeating Putin’s puppet, Joe Biden has re-established a Western democratic alliance, defending the Ukrainian people, and armed a heroic resistance in Russian aggression.

Continue Reading March 11, 2022

March 4, 2022 ” He emplaced the partition”     Pekudei 40:21

Supporters of Jewish schools are schizophrenic about separation of church and state. For Jews, as legislatures and courts promote public funding of religious schools despite flagrantly discriminative practices and curricula exemptions, to condone any element of the crusade to limit 1st Amendment protections is ultimately naïve and dangerous.   

Continue Reading March 4, 2022

February 25, 2022 He made the dividing curtain”      Vayakhiel 36:35

Trump’s deceits and exaggerations alternately irritate and amuse, but the wholesale embrace of his lies by Republican office-seekers – including Ohio – is shocking testimony to the paranoia and racism in large segments of Americans and their appetite for delusion. Those same tactics incited antisemitism for centuries. 

Continue Reading February 25, 2022

February 18, 2022 “Erase me from your book”       Ki Sisa 32:32

Jonathan Tobin’s blatantly partisan screeds abuse his platform in the Cleveland Jewish News. Whether trivializing anti-democratic election bills, ridiculing Jewish organizations that condemned the Jan.6 riot as insurrectionist, or peddling Republican anti-Biden memes, he ought to pay for his space, just as we do.   

Continue Reading February 18, 2022

February 11, 2022     “Speak to the wise-hearted”      Tetzaveh  28:3

In Tennessee, schools ban Maus. In Texas, teachers are instructed to provide “opposing views” to Holocaust narratives. “Cancel Culture” is nothing compared to the “451 Fahrenheit” censorship the Right is imposing wherever it can – with anti-Semitic undertones – to pervert history, ban books, threaten prosecutions of teachers and librarians, and manipulate its voter base.

Continue Reading February 11, 2022

February 4, 2022 I will establish My word”      I Kings 6:12 (Terumah)

Hyperbole is the lingua franca of politics, but the Orwellian lies the Republican establishment propagates hearken back to Stalinist Russia. Incredibly, whether distorting public health, Trump’s defeat, Jan. 6, climate change, or voting fraud, they have amassed power by harnessing tens of millions of gullible devotees to their deceptions. 

Continue Reading February 4th, 2022

January 28, 2022 “You shall not accept a false report”     Mishpatim 23:1

Inflation and “disarray” are the media’s Biden memes. But, look more closely at record stock prices, unemployment below 4%, record jobs growth, infrastructure legislation the Trump Congress promoted, but failed to pass, the Afghani withdrawal Trump promised, but flunked, and at a year without Presidential corruption and deceit. How was YOUR 2021? 

Continue Reading January 28, 2022

January 21, 2022 “Make known to them the path”       Yisro    18:20

Why kill it? Build Back Better provides an urgent boost for clean energy, universal pre-K, child tax credits, home rather than institutional care for the infirm, and desperately needed affordable housing. Almost all of it gets funded by better IRS enforcement and modest taxing of the richest individuals and corporations who now pay little or no taxes. It shouldn’t require a miracle.

Continue Reading January 21, 2022

January 14, 2022 Israel saw the Egyptian dead”          Beshalach 14:30

Per CDC, in 4th Quarter 2021, U.S. COVID deaths totaled 126,200 of which approximately 111,000 were among the unvaccinated. Up to 100,000 deaths, thus,  can be attributed to the likes of Robert Kennedy and his “Children’s Defense Fund” and to the blowhard politicians and Fox commentators who slyly comport resisting immunization with 1st Amendment freedoms. Murderous. 

Continue Reading January 14, 2022

January 7, 2022 “Locusts ate all the grass of the land”      Bo 10:15

Annual SSI, SNAP, TANF and Housing Vouchers for poor, non-working non-disabled non-elderly total $60 Billion:  Welfare for “lazy” Americans?   Just for Big Oil-Coal-Gas, the annual Intangibles, Depletion, Gasification, Fuel Tax, and Ethanol exemptions/subsidies/credits/allowances annually total $36 BILLION! Now that’s WELFARE. And don’t forget Defense, Big Ag ($46B), Foreign Weapon sales ($7B), Big Pharma ($15B) and state/local goodies. 

Continue Reading January 7, 2022

December 31, 2021 A swarm of wild beasts came”  Va’eira 8:20

The January 6 terrorists were puppets, cultivated by Trump, the Republican elite through Fox News, its TV proxy, and its relentless social media machine. The 2022 Congressional election will bear tens of thousands of these armed, zealous, and hyped-up dupes. American Brown Shirts? Germany 1933? Pray for democracy. 

Continue Reading December 31, 2021

December 23, 2021 “Get back to work” Shemot 5:4

Child-care frees parents to work. Pre-K education builds future work force. Alternate power fuels an industry now dominated by China and Germany. Home Care keeps seniors out of nursing homes. Funding IRS and making billionaires pay taxes is a no-brainer. To Joe Manchin and Republicans: Rejecting Build Back Better costs more than passing it!

Continue Reading December 23, 2021

December 17, 2021 “Proverbs 28:15  – Like a roaring lion is a ruler over poor people”

 The White rulers of Texas now force a poor, raped Black woman to bear the rapist’s child and without health insurance, childcare nor pre-school, just like the children their slave-master forbears harvested from the black women they raped and held prisoner. “Pro-life” is really just pro-birth. It ignores and scorns supporting all mothers and all children in our society. 

Continue Reading December 17, 2021

December 10, 2021 Let not your anger flare”       Vayegash 44:18

Most non-vaxxers are the dupes of anti-vaxxers, many of whose social media posts and websites compare mask and vaccination mandates with Nuremburg laws, a sad marginalization of the Holocaust. Worse are descriptions of COVID as a Jewish conspiracy.  The anti-vaxx movement brims with antisemitism

Continue Reading December 10, 2021

December 3, 2021You have done evil” Mikeitz 44:5

Voting restrictions, laws dictating women’s health choices, ceaseless promotion of guns, anti-demonstration mandates, meddling in school curricula and even business economic threats requiring anti-BDS pledges all recall the “benign” initial steps of authoritarianism. History teaches this isn’t good for Jews.

Continue Reading December 3, 2021

November 26, 2021 Would you reign over us?”     Vayeshev  37:8 

General Flynn’s demand for “one nation, one religion” is a peek under the lid of the Right’s deeply held, but rarely confessed anti-Semitism. Their pro-Israel gestures are designed to leverage Jewish influence and money, but their ascendance is as bad for Jews as for every other minority. 

Continue Reading November 26th, 2021

November 19, 2021 “Rescue me from my brother”   Vayishlach  32:12

 “Cancel Culture”, “anti-White discrimination”, and “critical race theory” are devices the Right seizes upon to insert its devotees onto college and public school boards, village councils, and church committees for opposing social justice, radically laundering curricula and reading options, and promoting creationism.

Continue Reading November 19, 2021

November 12, 2021 I am able to harm you”       Vayetzei 31:29 

Naftali Bennett hasn’t changed his colors, but his strategy to empower the Palestinian Authority and strengthen schools and services for Palestinian and Israeli Arab communities demonstrates wise governance and thwarts Hamas’ aspirations: Leadership, not mercenary politics.

Continue Reading November 12, 2021

November 5, 2021 “we can be fruitful in the land”     Toldos   26:22 

Paid child care permits poor mothers the dignity of work. Universal pre-school develops educated children. Free community college gives our young adults a competitive edge. Ultimately, these negative-net-cost programs are desperately needed for our economy to thrive and compete.

Continue Reading November 5, 2021

October 29, 2021 ​”Bury your dead”   Chayei Sarah  ​23:15​

Gerrymandering, preposterous election audits, engineered recall campaigns, partisan election laws and the determination to blink at the January 6 terrorism are all calculated attacks on democracy by despots bedazzled by power.

Continue Reading October 29, 2021

October 22, 2021 They struck them blindness”    Vayeira 19:11 

Ohio and other Red-State legislatures, using “Critical Race Theory” as pretext, are enacting laws to prevent teaching about racism and slavery and to erase crucial segments of American social history from school curricula. This, of course, has an fitting precedent: Holocaust denial.

Continue Reading October 22, 2021

October 15, 2021 Take yourself to the land I show you”      Lech Lecha 12:1 

Six years after we abandoned the SS St. Louis refugees to Nazi clutches, Truman welcomed 140,000 survivors. Congress, since 1970, has admitted 200,000 Soviet Jews. Both were compassionate exceptions to immigration restrictions passed initially to exclude Jews. Our community must insist on enacting a humane, practical, and comprehensive immigration system.

Continue Reading October 15, 2021

October 8, 2021 ” Remember the everlasting covenant”     Noah 9:16

Our sages reconstrued the Torah to avert capital punishment, supplant the priestly service, and be accessible to a diverse Jewish diaspora. Supreme Court justices who slavishly adhere to the Constitution as first drafted favoring the proprietor elite, contentious federalism and racial hierarchy sadly lack the wisdom that ennobled Jewish law. 

Continue Reading October 8, 2021

October 1, 2021   “Now the serpent was cunning ”   Bereishis 3:1 

Texas gets the heat, but Ohio Republicans just passed curbs on student masking, gratuitous new voting restrictions, barriers to sex education other than abstinence-only, and impediments to women’s health services; and now propose a partisan redistricting map illegally assuring their supermajority. 

Continue Reading October 1, 2021

September 24, 2021 “one who tempts me to sin…”       Succot Liturgy 

Red State politicians and conservative media, manipulating their naïve Republican base for partisan reward, killed and sickened thousands of adults and children by corruptly portraying masking and vaccine resistance as a declaration of personal freedom.  

Continue Reading September 24, 2021

September 10, 2021 You will surely act corruptly”     Vayalech  31:29

Women with unwanted pregnancies condemned by imperious politicians to state-imposed childbearing or backroom abortions. Feigning election fraud, the same culprits impose partisan election laws. The degradation of conservatism is a moment of reflection for Jewish Republicans.

Continue Reading September 10, 2021

September 3, 2021Return to the Lord your God with all your heart and soul”    Nizavim  30:2

A Happy New Year to ALL –  filled with sweetness and health, a year of tolerance, justice, compassion, and community. L’Shana Tova!

Continue Reading September 3, 2021

August 27, 2021 Accursed is he who leads the blind astray”    Ki Savo  27:18

Typical non-vaxxers are the result of the weaponization of their credulousness by a libertarian fringe, by the Right, and by the radical Left. It is a subversive leveraging of naivety as a human frailty by a cult of cynics bent on conceit and indifferent to suffering.

Continue Reading August 27, 2021

August 20, 2021When you go to war against your enemies”   Ki Teitzeh 21:10 

Our retreat from Afghanistan’s failed military and government is a surrender to militant Islam that is dangerous for America and for Israel. Like the Iraqi adventure, the Afghan war lacked vision and purpose and was, therefore​,​ doomed at the outset, but a new Islamic republic is a chilling reality. 

Continue Reading August 20, 2021

August 13, 2021 “You shall not pervert judgement” Shoftim 16:19

Tucker Carlson’s glorification this week of Hungarian dictator Victor Orban whose whitewashing of Hungarian Nazi collaboration, use of anti-Semitic tropes to vilify his enemies, and xenophobia arouse fear for 100,000 remaining Jewish Hungarians speaks volumes about how the Fox puppet masters view Jews and regard democracy. 

Continue Reading August 13, 2021

August 6, 2021 “To your heart’s desire you may eat”   Re’eh 12:20

 The Ben and Jerry controversy shouldn’t be its opposition to Israeli West Bank occupation. It should be only about its deceptive negligence to condemn Russia, India, Ethiopia, China, Myanmar and other regimes directing much more repressive occupations and humiliations. No dessert for Ben and Jerry.

Continue Reading August 6, 2021

July 30, 2021Love the stranger because you were one in Egypt”     Eikev 10:19

Preserving DACA protections resonates powerfully with Jews. Consider those denied immigration who died in the Holocaust, the miraculous resettlement here of survivors, and the Jewish migration from the U.S.S.R. Let’s make room in our hearts and find space in our country for these young aspiring Americans.

Continue Reading July 30, 2021

July 23, 2021 You shall not bear false witness”   Va’eschanan 5:17

The Republican war on public health is unrelenting. Trolling CDC leadership, abetting anti-vax trolls, passing laws to thwart masking, vaccine advocacy, and public health norms, impeding women’s health providers, and banning Medicaid expansion, their strategy is to incite their base despite the toll in lives lost.

Continue Reading July 23, 2021

July 16, 2021He shall wage war for you”   Devarim 3:22

Killer Putin? President Biden is standing up to a vile tinhorn dictator whose murderous ambitions in the Artic, Syria and Ukraine, whose environmental outrages, whose repressive governance, and whose hostile sabotage and looting of our digital networks have left millions as refugees and murdered and dangerously harmed our national institutions.

Continue Reading July 16, 2021

July 9, 2021If a man swears an oath, he shall not desecrate his word”    Matos 30:3 

Certainly skeptical that recent hundreds of voting laws were enacted for election security, the Trump Supreme Court has nevertheless abandoned the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Not, however, for Constitutional reasons; it merely re-construed the Act as in comport with the devices of Red State legislators hell-bent on voter suppression.

Continue Reading July 9, 2021

July 2, 2021 “Surely you shall give them a portion          Pinchas” 27:6

Nearly 100 years ago, a pitiless world spurned Jews seeking safety from cruelties and deportations inflicted by Germany and its accomplices. Today, ignoring the horrors of the Northern Triangle, Syria, and north Africa, we again treat desperate victims as mere freeloaders and interlopers. Shame!

Continue Reading July 2, 2021

June 25, 2021 “To curse my enemies did I summon you”      Balak 24:10 

Republican schemers and their Fox stooges addict their base to invented wedge issues: Immigrants, critical race theory, taking our guns, cancel culture, killing unborn children, rampant crime, etc. Thus, through deception does the right prosper to serve its donors and corporate patrons.

Continue Reading June 25, 2021

June 18, 2021 “We shall not veer right or left.          Chukas” 20:17

Is it fair to hold Israel to a higher standard than Hamas? Than Fatah? A higher standard than Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran or Russia? For that matter, than the U.S.? Whether as “Start-up Nation” or “People of the Book”, our history and our nationhood, socially, politically, and strategically, are a testament to a higher standard. 

Continue Reading June 18, 2021

June 11, 2021 The plague had begun among the people”    Korach 17:12

For pro-Israel advocates, when Israelis target Arab neighborhoods with evictions and house confiscations and respond to Hamas rockets so disproportionally that hundreds are left homeless, maimed and killed, how are we to defend what’s become of Zionism to compassionate people whom these things disgust? 

Continue Reading June 11, 2021

June 4, 2021 They brought forth an evil report on the land”   Shelach 13:32

As Jews struggled to assimilate in America, their aspirations aligned with those of African-Americans. Many now fully-assimilated Jews, ever yet mindful of antisemitism, have turned cynical to public education, to programs for alleviating poverty, and to the adversity faced by less sanguine minorities. Way too much assimilation. 

Continue Reading June 4, 2021

May 28, 2021The rabble that was among them…”   Behaaloscha 11:4

An educated community that permits itself to be duped into preferring potential COVID infection to immunization intersects neatly with the Stop-the-Steal lunatics and the anti-Semitic Alt-Right. They’re not Woke. They’re asleep. 

Continue Reading May 28, 2021

May 21, 2021 “bitter water that causes a wasting away”   Nasso 5:18

The biggest obstacle to Palestinian aspirations is not the Israeli right nor settlers nor politicians. It is Hamas, a Mafia that diverts precious international aid to terrorism, suppresses civil rights and foments belligerence. The entire region suffers a drought in water and leadership. 

Continue Reading May 21, 2021

May 14, 2021 “There shall be no wrath upon the Children of Israel” Bamidbar 1:53

Confiscation of Palestinians’ homes may be Bibi’s political strategy, but it’s an illegal, cruel, and dangerous provocation that legitimizes the contempt of Israel’s enemies and endangers her standing as a lawful democracy.

Continue Reading May 14, 2021

May 7, 2021 Observe my ordinances and perform them”     Behar 25:18 

How is it that when contemptable politicians in both Israel and the U.S.A. spurn public safety and public health policy they are still adored even by those mourning their trampled or COVID-slain loved ones.

Continue Reading May 7, 2021

April 30, 2021Do not desecrate My holy Name”    Emor 22:2

Red state legislatures that have recklessly curtailed voting rights, obstructed women’s health services, curbed gender expression, and inflated gun culture, are now, in 24 states, restricting Freedom of Assembly. The silence of Jewish Republican voices is tragic. 

Continue Reading April 30, 2021

April 23, 2021 “Love the stranger amongst you for you were strangers in Egypt ”   Kedoshim 19:34 

Children at our border, refugees from ruthlessness and violence, are a humanitarian crisis. Distilling it as an immigration problem is a crude, dishonest political device. Jews should best understand this. Indifference to social disintegration in the Northern Triangle will only intensify the immigrant surge.

Continue Reading April 23, 2021

April 16, 2021He is to call out: Contaminated, Contaminated”       Tazria 13:45

Elites of the Right obsess over “socialism”, “cancel culture”, and corporate tax rates, but ignore real crises such as poverty, health care inequity, and social injustice, in utter contempt of their own working class and rural base. 

Continue Reading April 16th, 2021

April 9, 2021 “Distinguish between the contaminated and the pure”   Shemini 11:47

By welcoming the Kahanist racist “Religious Zionist Party” (it’s newly laundered name) into his government, Bibi benightedly justifies those slandering Israel as Apartheid and he mocks every Jewish survivor of marginalization and expulsion.

Continue Reading April 9, 2021

April 2nd, 2021 “The Israelites left Egypt armed”        Exodus 13:18

The vulgar deification of unfettered gun ownership, devised by the NRA, gun manufacturers, and the politicians they coerce, is another example of the right weaponizing naivety, fear, and bitterness to incite proselytes.

Continue Reading April 2nd, 2021

March 26, 2021 “All who are needy, let them come” Passover Haggadah: Magid 

Jewish Cleveland has donated $17 million in emergency funds so the Federation could defray COVID-19 related costs for day schools and agencies. Community begins and ends with compassion, the bread of redemption. Happy Passover! 

Continue Reading March 26, 2021

March 19, 2021 ” If the entire community is oblivious and errs…” Vayikra 4:13 

Half of male Republicans reported as unsure or unwilling to take a COVID vaccine. Sadly, those whose thinking is informed by Fox News hosts and whose social media feeds are curated to reinforce their political bias have little fuel for prudent, independent thought.

Continue Reading March 19, 2021

March 12, 2021 “The Children of Israel freely contributed ”     Vayakhel 35:29 

Republicans who, in 2017, granted no strings 40% tax reductions to corporations and a $4.4 million tax cut for $20M+ estates, are now clamoring, in Ohio (SB 17) and other states, to impose new restrictions on food stamp recipients. Welfare for the rich and spiteful enmity for the poor.

Continue Reading March 12, 2021

March 5, 2021 “Your people have become corrupt”       Ki Sisa  32:7

Republicans, noting suppression in Hong Kong and Myanmar, are salivating. In 17 gerrymandered states their legislative monopolies have suddenly introduced over 100 laws reducing access to the ballot to ensure their own immunity from election accountability. The Party of Lincoln despoiling democracy.

Continue Reading March 5, 2021

February 26, 2021 “You shall cause them to go up in smoke”   Tetzaveh 29:13 

Cancelling drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; blocking Keystone and tar sands toxic oil extraction; reinstating E.P.A. enforcement; replacing cabinet-member lobbyists with dedicated public servants. Policies that sustain our children’s environment and create cutting-edge employment. Now, that’s a breath of fresh air. 

Continue Reading February 26, 2021

February 19, 2021 “I sinned, for I feared the people”   I Samuel 15:24

The Likud embrace of Kahanists is an accommodation to racism and expulsion. A desperate Netanyahu betrays the Zionist ideal, making it odious to those of good will.

Continue Reading February 19, 2021

February 12, 2021 “…a servant shall work for six years” Mishpatim 21:2

Reduced to a social service agency, the AFL-CIO remains an effective and compassionate advocate for workers. The Right’s demonization of organized labor, weaponized 40 years ago under Reagan, has been embraced, ironically, by a Jewish community that created organized labor and by so many people whose parents it rescued from exploitation.

Continue Reading February 12, 2021

February 5, 2021 “Gods of gold you shall not make”     Yisro 20:20

The rabble that left Egypt coalesced around a compassionate legal code and faith in God. The new administration seeks to unify us around legal measures grounded in compassion – support for the needy, funding exhausted state and municipal services, initial steps to prudent immigration policy, organized responses to pandemic – and in repudiation of demigods. 

Continue Reading February 5th, 2021

January 22, 2021 “I have made the hearts of his servants stubborn”    Bo 10:1

The Capitol takeover exposed another fabrication of the Right: That the right to bear weapons should have no constraints. Assault weapons and high-capacity pistol magazines WILL be brandished for political advantage and to threaten civil society. Second Amendment fanaticism serves no real purpose but to accessorize violent dissension. 

Continue Reading January 22, 2021

January 15, 2021 “I shall incite against you a swarm of wild beasts”    Va’eira    8:17

In 1859 Democrats declared that John Brown’s Harpers Ferry outrage exemplified Republican abolitionists. Abraham Lincoln responded, “John Brown is not a Republican.” Similarly, Donald Trump and his boot-lickers (McConnell, Cruz, Jordan…) are insurrectionists, not Republicans. Republicans need a new Lincoln, not more bottom-feeders.

Continue Reading January 15, 2021

January 8, 2021 “Come, let us outsmart the people”        Shemot  1:10

Does permitting the U.S. to arm the Emirates, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabian with F-35 Stealth fighter jets benefit Israel or does it benefit Israel’s prime minister? Is Arab despots’ recognition worth risking Israel’s qualitative military advantage? Better to reach across the Green Line for a truly historic and meaningful peace. 

Continue Reading January 8, 2021

January 1, 2021 “and I will bless them”   Vayechi  48:92020

This has been a strange and challenging time, a year of tragedy, antagonism, mismanagement, and isolation. Now we know that in 2021 we will emerge from the pandemic menace. May this be a new year for justice, civil discourse, equality, and generosity – a year of blessing for all of us. 

Continue Reading January 1, 2021

December 25, 2020 “Let not your anger flare up ”   Vayigash 44:18

No brandishing of weapons in public places, respecting the rule of law, reverence for public health, affirming elections administration, civility, conservation, and compassion. These are norms that preserve our society. Norms are not law, but tarnishing them debases law and safeguarding them is what defines leadership. 

Continue Reading December 25, 2020

December 18, 2020 ” I will ascertain whether you are truthful people”   Mikeitz 41:39

Through its online and broadcast toadies, its “legislators,” and its gullible base, the Republican denial of democratic elections is a harbinger of a radical strategy to distort Democracy. This Chanukah, let’s keep the miracle of Democracy alight.

Continue Reading December 18, 2020

December 11, 2020 ” She tempted Joseph day after day” Vayeishev 39:10

Who is seduced by fairy tales such as massive election fraud, “pedophiles”, and COVID safety denial? The reviled of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the former pawns of Russian state media must never be influenced by the very same artifice in their social media feeds, on dubious websites, and in Trump pronouncements.

Continue Reading December 11, 2020

December 4, 2020 ” They were fired deeply with indignation”     Vayishlach     34:7 

A public obsessed with outlawing abortion, yet unmoved to combat the death penalty, rural and inner-city excessive infant mortality, slaughter in Ethiopia, China, Myanmar, Syria, Yemen, and the Congo,  nor pandemic starvation is a solely political, not a moral movement.

Continue Reading December 4, 2020

November 20, 2020 “The might shall pass from one regime to the other”   Toldot 25:23

Trump’s defeat won’t end the promotion of investment, nationalistic, racist, and libertarian tropes by corporate political powers. That hype is how they maintain their exemption from regulation, enforce suppression of minority, worker and environmental protections, and legitimize monopolistic consolidations. For now, they merely lost their carnival barker.

Continue Reading November 20, 2020

November 13, 2020 “Hashem had blessed Abraham with everything”       Chayei Sarah 24:1

Through enriched preschool, childcare, and after-school programs, by age 6, wealthy children already sit atop a vast Education Gap. A truly civil society that provides these to EVERY child reaps a surge of productive adults and assured economic growth.

Continue Reading November 13, 2020

November 6, 2020 God tested Abraham        Vayeira 22:1 

Issues such as food security, universal health care, public education, living wage, upholding voting rights, ensuring public health, housing equity, environmental preservation, confronting climate change, and a negotiated Israeli/Palestinian peace are moral canons. Making them partisan has become an existential failure of American political culture. 

Continue Reading November 6, 2020

October 30, 2020 “His hand shall be against everyone”      Lech Lecha    16:12

As the widely-anticipated “second wave” of coronavirus infections takes hold, one can only gasp at the irony of a White House overrun with infection and a President who refuses to champion safe practices, rails against responsible actions taken by his own FDA and CDC appointees, and brazenly doubles down on his pandemic lies. 

Continue Reading October 30, 2020

October 23, 2020 “It was called Babel because it confused language” Noach 11:9

Who believes Donald Trump? Who believes QAnon? Who believes Tucker Carlson? Who believes Lindsey Graham? Who believes Fox News? Who believes Mike Cernovich? Who believes Sean Hannity? Who believes Breitbart? Caricatures of truth. Do you believe babble? 

Continue Reading October 23, 2020

October 16, 2020 And she took of its fruit and ate”    Bereishis 3:6

Abortion dominates Supreme Court hearings, but, for Jews, if a conservative court approves religion in schools and public places, grants religious exemptions to civil rights laws, permits states targeted voter suppression, and allows corporate and dark money to tilt elections, women’s health is just another bite of the apple.

Continue Reading October 16, 2020

October 9, 2020 …”You shall not gather up the gleanings of the field  “…  Sukkot Shabbat Reading

The irony of a White House infected with Corona Virus is not DJT’s ridicule of CDC safety precautions. The grim real irony is how his staff, so defiant to safeguards and to universal healthcare, receives excellent medical care with little cost or risk, while, for so many other Americans stricken with COVID-19, denied paid time off and saddled with debt, the costs of care torment them amidst their daily struggles with bills and child care. 

Continue Reading October 9, 2020

October 2, 2020 “They shall teach your ordinances”      Veysos HaBrachah 33:10 

The loss of RBG is the loss of a critical champion of the rights of individual citizens VERSUS: the rights of states to suppress voters, the rights of religious employers to ignore employee health laws, the rights of states to prevent termination of unwanted or dangerous pregnancies, the rights of corporations, hidden actors and contrived charities to leverage wealth to influence elections, the rights of companies to claim religious exemptions to avoid civil rights law. Notorious!

Continue Reading October 2, 2020

September 25, 2020 “For the sin we have committed before you…”  Yom Kippur liturgy 

Who must atone? For winking at his relentless lying. For ignoring the conflicts of interest and corruption among his appointees. For abiding subversion of environmental protections to benefit his drilling and mining patrons. For tolerating his murderous distortion of COVID data and protections. For endorsing his assault on the sanctity of elections. For permitting his narcissistic hypocrisy. For all these: Selach lanu!

Continue Reading September 25, 2020

September 18, 2020 L’Shana Tova Umetukah

Praying for a year of Justice, Compassion, and Truth

Continue Reading September 18, 2020

September 11, 2020 Men of Israel, your wives and children    Nitzavim 29:9-10  

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Jewish families have struggled with the discontinuation of child care programs. In the Jewish community, day care, after-school care, pre-school, and camping are viewed as essential to work priorities and to child development. Why, then, do we not demand the poor be provided these programs to permit them also to work and study and to give their children the possibility of escaping the circle of poverty? 

Continue Reading September 11, 2020

September 4, 2020 “The widow and orphan shall eat in your cities” Ki Savo 26:12  

The most utilized welfare program for families is the $2,000/child tax credit, a benefit available, ironically, mostly for the wealthy – eligible up to $400,000 in income. Who among those beneficiaries nevertheless makes the utterly racist claim that “welfare destroys the Black family”? In fact, poor families with food stamps and similar aid are far more likely to stay together and to have children who graduate high school and who are, themselves, far less likely to be impoverished as adults. 

Continue Reading September 4, 2020

August 27, 2020 “Let not a hired person call out against you”    Ke Seitzei 24:15

The very people who are most helplessly exposed to COVID-19 care for our elderly, staff our supply chains, stock our groceries and produce our take-out meals. They are also the least likely to have paid sick-time and hospitalization, nor, for that matter, retirement or job security. Nor is there much advocacy for these benefits so fundamental to those sheltering-in-place or working at home. Why is that? Before cynicism and complacency set in, we were so compassionate a culture.

Continue Reading August 27, 2020

August 21, 2020 ” The prophet who speaks in the name of false gods ” Shoftim  18:20

What is behind D. Trump’s pandering to Jews: provoking Palestinians, throttling Middle East humanitarian aid, promoting a peace plan cognate to annexation, endorsing funding of religious schools? The Trump strategy is to achieve herd immunity to his corrupt policies, his pandemic incompetence, his crusade against democratic institutions, and his cultivation of racist groups. His offerings are blemished.

Continue Reading August 21, 2020

August 14, 2020 “It is an abomination of G-d…”   Reeh  12:31

The very institutions of Democracy under attack by D. Trump and his Republican bootlickers: Assailing the free press and public education was mere prelude to restrictive voting practices, shuttering and shuffling polling places, and excluding vulnerable groups. Now, acknowledging the “blue shift” of provisional and mail-in post-election counts, these “woke” cheaters are attacking vote-by-mail and undermining the Post Office in order to serve anti-democratic false gods. What’s next? Strategic quarantine…

Continue Reading August 14, 2020

August 7, 2020 “…the people have become corrupt”    Eikev   9:12

How has the Trump Presidency produced an urban gun violence epidemic?1) by thwarting and de-funding community policing that successfully mitigates urban criminal culture; 2) by reviling Black legislators and “inner city” communities and promoting economic policies that prioritize corporate enrichment, all fostering youth hopelessness and alienation; 3) with continued militarization of police; 4) by diversion of funds from public schools; 5) through relentless promotion of firearm ownership.
Oh yeah, and anti-Semitic hate crimes under POTUS are also through the roof.

Continue Reading August 7, 2020

July 31, 2020 “A great nation that has righteous decrees”    Va’eschanan 4:4     

We’re told welfare destroys incentives to work. Consider de-funding these welfare programs: 1) The mortgage interest deduction, 2) Government subsidies to corporations, 3) Corporate tax breaks that lower average corporate taxation to 13%, 4) The 15% hedge fund manager tax rate, 5) Wall Street bailouts, 6) Price supports for large farms, 7) Tax-exemption for pension contributions, 8) Favored tax treatment of dividends and capital gains, 9) Tax deferral of home sale profits, 10) Accelerated depreciation, 11) Oil, timber and coal producers’ tax exemptions and subsidies. Bust those welfare queens.

Continue Reading July 31, 2020

July 24, 2020 “You slandered in your tents…”    Devarim 1:27

The anti-Semitic trope of Jews as puppet master has a disgraceful pedigree, from 19th century France to state-run Arab media, to pre-Holocaust Europe, to the rantings of Father Coughlin and Henry Ford. No coincidence, perhaps, when Fox “News” host Ray Arroyo refers to Mike Bloomberg as “Biden’s Puppet Master” and his colleague Lou Dobbs execrates George Soros for “tentacles” controlling State Dpt.  foreign service officers and corrupt FBI officials and Bill O’Reilly called Soros the “shadow puppet master” and Fox stands by Nick Cannon who denounced Rothschild control of finance.. Meanwhile, Fox-boy Tucker Carlson, who refers to White Supremacy as “hoax”, devotes an episode to exalting Henry Ford. What Jew could ever stomach or employ Fox “News”? 

Continue Reading July 24, 2020

July 17, 2020 A murderer who takes a life unintentionally  Masei 35:11 

Hail to the governors and legislatures of Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, and, especially, champion Arizona, each of whose new cases of Covid-19 over the past 7 days per 100K of population exceed those of California, New York, and Pennsylvania combined. Marching to the Trump-ets’ blare, these back-to-business zealots are forging paths of infection and death that, perhaps unintended, are nevertheless the consequences of their “Conservative” political strategies. When the business of the State is business – and not life, the price is measured in lives.

Continue Reading July 17, 2020

July 10, 2020 They distress you with their contrived plots.   25:18 

Eager for a politically fruitful retreat from the Afghanistan morass, Trump’s sham negotiations with the Taliban were further discredited by reports of Russian bounties. “Hoax” he protests, but who is he really protecting? His patron Putin, whose cronies laundered rubles at Trump casinos, whose wholesale purchases of condos in Trump developments permitted him to finance their construction, who manipulated social media to benefit Trump’s election, to whom Trump abandoned southeast Syria, betraying our Kurdish allies, and whose sanctions and whose NATO opposition Trump has worked tirelessly to enfeeble. Distressful 

Continue Reading July 10, 2020

July 3 2020 “I will put a ban on their cities”     Chukas  21:2 

Collectively, we didn’t love America enough to confront police violence and racism and, now, both Black Lives Matter and kneeling are Mainstream. Do we love Israel enough to oppose annexation of Occupied Territories and routine Palestinian repression – before Boycott-Disinvestment-Sanctions and condemnation of Israel go Mainstream in America? Even a Congress inured to Jewish support and a citizenry that idealizes Israel have tipping points. The willingness of the Israeli government to risk its favored American status is a dangerous insolence.

Continue Reading July 3, 2020

June 26, 2020 “you seek to dominate us”     Korach 16:13 

Stereotypes – which ones do you believe? Suburban Black children under-perform comparable White students.   Jews only care about money. African-Americans don’t care about having children out of wedlock.   Well-heeled Jewish organizations control U.S. foreign policy and the media.  The Black community won’t share charitable resources and, thus, pull themselves up as did the Jews.  Jews are klutzy and non-mechanical.   Entitlements such as food stamps, ADC, housing vouchers, and Medicaid encourage African-Americans to curtail their aspirations for advancement.   Jewish mothers are domineering.   African-Americans always expect something for nothing.   Jews think they’re better than everybody else.

Continue Reading June 26, 2020

June 12, 2020 “There was a gluttonous rabble among them”     Behaaloscha 11:4. 

Many Jews, especially if influenced by the inventions of Fox News or other far-right conspiracy peddlers, believe Antifa and Black Lives Matter are anti-Semitic hierarchical organizations, sort of like radical Hadassahs. Believing young anarchists confronting Nazis in Charlottesville or attacking police at the G7 meetings have anything in common besides their personal anomie is naïve. Similarly, that some African-Americans conflate Israel’s treatment of Arabs with their own history in America should give no American Jews reason to ignore Black Lives’ message that police unaccountability, zoning regulations, school funding inequality, and corporate welfare are the real conspiracies that make us a segregated and unequal society. 

Continue Reading June 12, 2020

June 5, 2020 “They shall not defile their camps”    Nasso: 5:3

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by the demonstrations nor even the looting and burning. Instead, think through the social conditions that mobilize the demonstrators.  Late 19th and early 20th century New York City police violence against Jews was a routine aspect of tenement and workplace life. Early 1900s NYC Police Commissioner Theo. Bingham, who referred to Jews as unfit for labor and responsible for 50% of crime, granted official sanction to anti-Jewish constabulary violence. Jewish protests and even riots were routine though inchoate responses to brutal police profiling and employer-sponsored violence. The unintended consequences of institutional racism, whether against early 20th century Jews or 21st century African-Americans, cut two ways. 

Continue Reading June 5, 2020

May 29, 2020 “​…expel them so they don’t contaminate”     Nasso 5:3

Nearly 60% of U.S. Covid deaths were 75 years or older, more than half (30K) in long term care facilities. Back on 3/11 when WHO called this a “pandemic,” but Donald Trump, despite intelligence from China and Italy to the contrary, described America’s risk as “very, very low,” Menorah Park/Montefiore, on their own initiatives, instituted protective strategies, began taking employee temperatures, and ended group dining and recreation. That same day, Trump’s CDC still permitted gatherings of 50 and actually restricted testing. Nor in the next few weeks did CMS, which promulgates Medicare requirements for nursing homes, issue preventative measures or even routine isolation procedures. Attending only to politics rather than really leading, Trump should be held accountable for the deaths of thousands of helpless elderly in dozens of facilities with, regrettably, less foresight than the two exemplary Cleveland ones.

Continue Reading May 29, 2020

May 22, 2020 “The Levites shall safeguard the performance of the assignments” Bamidbar 3:7

With his four sackings of Federal Inspectors General, his latest the State Dept. I.G. who was investigating unethical practices there, Donald Trump has seasoned his Russian-style swill of corruption by throttling accountability to the American people. Whether his inept and dishonest Covid-19 response, his illegal manipulation of Ukrainian aid, the monitoring of his implementation of a $3 Trillion stimulus or the apparent new scandals he’s quashing at State, Trump’s scheme to avoid blame is to destroy the entire apparatus of oversight. His Biblical precursor, Ahab, conducted a similar purge of prophets who decried his idolatry and larceny. Ultimately confronted by Elijah, his reign was doomed. Today, in the absence of an effective Congressional response, Trump’s insolence will proceed unabated.

Continue Reading May 22, 2020

May 15, 2020 Do not aggrieve another man…        Behar 25:17  

The murder of Ahmaud Arbery has a 106-year-old Georgia precedent: the kangaroo court conviction and lynching of Leo Frank, a young Jewish-Atlantan entrepreneur. Concurrently, the U.S. Army manual actually warned of Jewish “malingerers” and IQ-testing of “eastern European” immigrant U.S. soldiers had demonstrated that Jews were intellectually inferior, data anticipating by nearly 100 years Charles Murray and his epigenetic perfidy. Real estate red-lining and restrictions on Jewish education and employment were also precedents so analogous to the African-American experience that it’s inconceivable that the Jewish mainstream today, so anxious over the surge of alt-Right anti-Semitism, is not seething over the obvious connection between vigilante or constabulary violence against Blacks and the historical Jewish experience.   “I did not speak out; then they came for me…”        

Continue Reading May 15, 2020

May 8, 2020 ” You shall leave the corners of your field for the poor ”     Emor 23:22

While “Staying-at-Home”, we applaud the “essential” workers who permit us to have food and necessities, provide, at great personal risk, health services, deliveries, and municipal services, and who computer-educate our children. What is clear, however, is how few of these people have the blessings of guaranteed healthcare, retirement, sick pay, parental leave, child-care nor the ability to rely on savings in case they’re furloughed. And when the Payroll Protection loans expire next month, many more will be laid off. The CARES Act, extending unemployment benefits and granting them to “gig” workers, doesn’t begin to solve the societal problem of not insuring that middle to low-income and dependent Americans have these vital needs met. Denying these as basic rights punishes the working poor already enduring meager wages and job insecurity. Now, when so clearly we can see the bounties we reap from their labor, it’s time to advocate and fight so that every American’s needs are met in ways that most of us view as vital for ourselves and our own families.

Continue Reading May 8, 2020

May 1, 2020       The Kohen shall don the sacred vestments      Acharei  16:32

Having mobilized all the key practices for Personal Protective Equipment and safe distancing and with no options to suspend vital activities, our Jewish agencies are courageously maintaining essential services to their dependent clients. JFSA and JCC are delivering meals to homebound elderly and holocaust survivors. At JFSA, counselling and services to dementia and Alzheimer victims are on-going as are programs for the mentally ill and in residential homes for developmentally challenged. Domestic violence programming continues unabated as well. Bellefaire, while protecting and assisting its residential clients, is exploiting digital communication to its dispersed client base as are our various day schools. With heightened precautions, Menorah Park/Montefiore is protecting both residents and vulnerable staff and contradicting every bit of public anxiety about nursing homes and infection. All of this is being done despite severe financial constraints, woefully little guidance from government, and the added burdens the epidemic has imposed. No politics this week. Just gratefulness! 

Continue Reading May 1, 2020

April 24, 2020 “God pardons all sins save the evil tongue”    Zohar 53a on Metzorah

Flaunting his cupidity for political gain, Trump has been promoting the far-right’s campaign to end life-saving stay-at-home orders without, however, even a hint of strategy for containing the spread of Covid-19 when business-as-usual resumes. South Korea successfully mobilized its pharmaceutical industry to mass-produce tests back in January when Trump and his Fox stooges were still calling the epidemic a hoax. There, and in Germany and Japan, instituting a regimen of testing, contact tracing and quarantine greatly limited the spread of infection and safely permitted relaxation of lockdowns. Here, where unilaterally vacating stay-at-home orders will just re-propel this opportunistic virus, the cost in human suffering seems not to enter into Trump’s solely mercenary calculation. 

Continue Reading April 24, 2020

April 17, 2020 Shemini 10:10 That you not die, distinguish between the contaminated and the pure    

Outside of New York, the Jewish community is, thankfully, barely stricken and is not surprisingly less attuned to the crisis of infection, impoverishment, and food insecurity among the urban poor. Similarly, we are less appalled at how the rate of infection has skewed higher due to the administration’s failure to mobilize testing. Where are the tests? Among the Presidential bloviations in this month of fear, his promise of a vigorous testing regimen rings the most hollow. His seminal 3/13 broadcast touted actually non-existent corporate commitments to nationwide drive-in drugstore-based testing and similarly non-existent Google test management software. South Korea and China contained the virus by testing symptomatic citizens and tracking their movements, quarantining those exposed. U.S. testing capacity is woefully late and inadequate except in misleading Trump press conferences. 2 years ago, despite SARS, MERS, H1N1 and predictions of a new pandemic, he disbanded the NSC pandemic directorate that might have advised the him regarding the real dangers of Covid-19 earlier and effectively. How many of our 23,000 deaths could testing have prevented?

Continue Reading April 17, 2020

April 4, 2020 “This is the Bread of Affliction” Passover Hagaddah

Thoughts on a crisis: Fascinating to watch the administration dragged into, for instance, acknowledging the gravity of the Covid-19 crisis or invoking the Defense Production Act, after first disputing the need for so many ventilators. A Kol HaKavod to Democrats for holding out for protections restricting corporations from using emergency disaster funds for purposes other than employee retention and essential activities, unlike the 2017 corporate tax cut that indulged pervasive stock buybacks/dividend increases. Everywhere, the most needy are the most vulnerable. The extraordinary SBA disaster loan program will support lots of workers – of income levels up to $100K; yet while the $2 Trillion CARES Act includes a 50% increase in SNAP (already exhausted), it offers a pittance for now desperate food banks. Fortunately, the House Families First Act (significantly diluted by the Senate) permits Women/Infants/Children (WIC) and Food Stamp waivers. Cleveland Jewish agencies are largely still staffed and brilliantly prioritizing needed services. Our sages describe matzoh both as Bread Affliction and Bread of Redemption. May we all soon be redeemed from this terrifying affliction. May you be blessed with a Happy and Safe Passover.

Continue Reading April 4, 2020

March 28, 2020 “When a ruler sins… Vayikra 4:22

A prayer of thanks for the governors, like Ohio’s Mike DeWine, showing such courage and leadership in this frightening crisis. While the feds were ignoring the urgency or even profiting from it, Govs. DeWine, Cuomo, Newsom, etc., cancelled school, non-essential work, and public events, mobilized resources, and “told it like it is.” Though the President publicly disputes assessments of Dr. Fauci, the esteemed head of the Ntl. Inst. of Infectious Diseases, our Governor appears committed to credible communication. Hazak v’Baruch to our clergy, providing internet-streamed prayer minyans and classes while dealing with sick congregants, funerals, etc. A meshaberach for brave medical professionals and for generous citizens working the hunger centers, social service agencies, and homeless shelters. And teachers distributing school supplies in the inner city and who, everywhere, are reaching out to kids to maintain their intellectual growth. The teachers’ union provides guidance to anybody on online learning. And finally, to the wonderful people employed by our Jewish agencies and Federation. How much more meaningful now are our gifts as our most vulnerable struggle to cope. A safe and peaceful Shabbat to all!

Continue Reading March 28, 2020

March 21, 2020 “The 7th shall be a day of complete rest for you”     Vayakhel  35:2
Covid-19. This extraordinary and existential interruption is a sabbath in our lives, disrupting routines, forcing new priorities. Before the pandemic subsides, we may find ourselves and our neighbors as vulnerable and destitute as our forebears in the wilderness. This moment calls for healthcare – for all, even those uninsured or undocumented – and not just for their sake, but also to protect ourselves. It’s a time to embrace and support those habituated to and, now, those suddenly new to impoverishment and food insecurity with our charity and with expansion and new insight into safety-net programs that, in the past, provoked our cynicism. Let us bolster our prayers for healing with compassion, grace, and, of course, with vigilance. Shabbat Shalom!

Continue Reading March 21, 2020

March 14, 2020 “Give atonement so there will not be a plague”    Ki Sisa 30:12

Criminal justice reform has gone mainstream with Democrats anxious to truly reflect the 8th Amendment and Republicans tired of paying for mass incarceration. The bi-partisan First Step bill took an historic, albeit modest, “first step”, retroactively equating crack and powdered cocaine and improving women prisoner protections. It doesn’t, however, address jailing currently 450,000 thousand, practically none of whom are flight risks, almost all of whom can’t afford bail imposed by antiquated rules and a racist system. Nor does it commute excessive sentences, nor provide for re-absorption, prison education, or mental health. On the other hand, supporters or contributors to Donald Trump earn clemency: his biographer (mail fraud), an Illinois governor (bribery), three war criminals who disgraced their services, a Cheney aide who exposed a CIA agent, a far-right conspiracy theorist (illegal political contribution scheme), armed occupiers of a federal wildlife refuge, a Fox contributor, a disgraced Republican Congressman, a lobbyist, and a convicted NFL owner. Atonement? Quid quo pro!

Continue Reading March 14, 2020

March 7, 2020 “Merry with wine, King Ahashuerus ordered Queen Vashti to display herself to his banquet guests”   Book of Esther 10-11

Powerful men are enabled to project their power illegally, but with immunity. Even the tragic fate handed Vashti for her refusal to be exploited is merely a Biblical subtext to Esther’s courageous entrapment of Haman. Non-disclosure agreements, access to media, professional control, etc., all permitted Weinstein, Cosby, Trump, Clinton, Strauss, Lauer and untold less famous others to freely foist their depravity upon women as best exemplified by Trump’s famous Access Hollywood recorded boast that his celebrity allows him to grab women’s genitals with total absence of accountability. It’s not just sexual imposition, however. Trump’s sly manipulation has corrupted the very definition of “truth” and, with the collaboration of Fox News, he has been able to seize the narrative whether misrepresenting immigrants, climate change, critical regulation, or providing immunity to his rich friends and acolytes. Unchecked power has no limits.

Continue Reading March 7, 2020

February 28, 2020 “…take for me a portion from every man”    Terumah 25:2

Two years after Trump and his Republican corporate toadies promised their enormous corporate tax cuts would generate dramatic growth and expanded manufacturing, the chief effects (according to non-partisan data) has been a punishing (for our children!) trillion-dollar deficit. Since the tax cut, job growth is actually lower than the last years of the Obama administration. Business capital expenditures are dramatically down, manufacturing indexes are seriously reduced, foreign earnings repatriation is curtailed, and overall tax revenues are significantly decreased, refuting (again) the laughably discredited “Laffer effect.” What is UP, besides income inequality, are corporate dividends and stock buy-backs proving once again the lie of “trickle-down”. The tax cuts merely rewarded wealth. Not exactly the Biblical model.

Continue Reading February 28, 2020

February 21, 2020 “For a poor person who cries out to Me … I am compassionate”    Mishpatim 22:26

Parsha Mishpatim is a divine canon for relations among people that is best characterized in aggregate as a guide to living compassionately. It is a code of humane conduct as applied in employment, in treatment of the most vulnerable – women, immigrants and the poor, in judicial ethics, in business, and in criminal justice. In our society, the cynicism spreading in these pursuits is a stain Jews especially must resist. Though It may be tempting to slander organized labor who defend the rights and dignity of workers, to disparage the poor as lazy or “entitled”, to deplore the uneducated as apathetic, and to portray immigrants as criminals and opportunists, here we learn to solve the complex issues in our society by extending a sympathetic hand to the most indigent and exposed and pulling them up. We’re commanded so. 

Continue Reading February 21, 2020

February 14, 2020 “Men of truth …shall judge the people”       Yisro 18:21-22

Politics is a strange parody of governance where lust for power, vanity, and hubris coalesce into deceit and evasion. Into his turgid universe, the President has seduced not just his enthusiastic Congressional sycophants, but a large slice of middle America whose frustrations and fears have left them vulnerable to manipulation by a master hustler wholly on-message with his minions. What distinguishes his opponents – and, sadly, hinders them is their utter candor in promoting policies that solve problems without exploiting tribal fears nor resorting to vague promises or ridicule. Note: The giving of the Ten Commandments did not prevent worship of a golden calf. Let us pray that, despite the principled opposition, the powerful champions of artifice won’t sentence a generation to wander in their swampy wilderness. 

Continue Reading February 14, 2020

February 7, 2020 “The Children of Israel were armed when they went…”  Beshalach 13:18

Rashi teaches that “armed” – “chamusheem” – can be understood as “chomesh” or “5”, implying thus that actually only 1/5 of the Israelites left Egypt. How is it that, even after witnessing the signs and plagues and, despite their slavery, 80% of the Jews stayed loyal to the tyrant Pharaoh? And how ironic, today, despite his corruption, his coddling of White Supremacist anti-Semites, his wholesale capitulation to corporate influence, to the fossil fuel lobby, and to polluters, and his dismantling of the healthcare safety net, that anyone with Jewish values can still venerate Donald Trump? His meaningless gestures of Israel support, more than offset by his surrender of the Kurdish buffer zone to Hezbollah allies, this would-be Pharaoh deserves not a single Jewish follower.

Continue Reading February 7, 2020

January 31, 2020 “…Hashem shall bring you to the land”           Bo 13:5

Redemption is a powerful theme in Judaism. Though the sages of the Talmud forbid calculation of the time of redemption, Messianism has nevertheless aroused the Jewish people many times in the last 2,000 years and almost always with disappointment and unintended consequences. That a certain manifest destiny justifies the persistent Israeli occupation and settlement of Judea and Samaria is an allusion to Messianism that often underlies the narratives that have been dominating mainstream American Jewish support for Israel as well as official Israeli politics. Zionism has always been about a pluralistic Jewish homeland, not Jewish expansionism. Moshiach will come, we are taught, as a result of good deeds. Annexation, intransigence, and punishment are roads neither to a secure peace nor to redemption. 

Continue Reading January 31, 2020

January 24, 2020 “…the entire land of Egypt was destroyed.”    Va’eria 8:20

Australians, despite Rupert Murdoch’s virtual press monopoly there, have figured out that News Corp./Fox is little more than a lunatic propaganda mill dishonestly downplaying the devastation of bushfires ravaging the country and misrepresenting its cause as serial arson rather than climate change. The counterfeit Fox pantomime precisely hews to the Murdoch dogma and, because he actually directs the Republican agenda, many American Jews “do not hearken” (6:12) to acknowledging the fraud that is “balanced” Fox news. Murdoch’s cunning strategy of slandering dissenters from his gospel, inciting fear, deriding social justice and democratic values, and inflating Trump, his U.S avatar, has found willing dupes in the American Jewish community who greedily guzzle his Kool-Aid. Not so, finally, in Australia where subscribers and advertisers alike and even scion James Murdoch are calling out Fox for its journalistic treachery. 

Continue Reading January 24, 2020

January 17, 2020 “…they will not heed my voice”     Shemot 4:1

The overwhelming majority of retired IDF Generals and their Intelligence equivalents comprise the Commanders for Israel’s Security (EnCis.org.il). The CIS, certain that Israel jeopardizes security with her hawkish status quo, makes urgent recommendations for Gaza and the West Bank for promoting economic development and wider Palestinian Authority civil /security administration, even in Gaza. Also, for enlarging West Bank areas of Palestinian control to reduce infuriating, gratuitous IDF barriers to travel and to allow the PA to consolidate its moderating control over widely dispersed, struggling and radicalizing Arab villages. The generals insist that these compromises will not reduce security and can generate PA willingness to stop anti-Israel incitement and to strengthen planning and civil governance. Hearken to these Israeli heroes in search of peace – at least as much as the politicians in search of votes.

Continue Reading January 17, 2020

January 10, 2020 “…he bent his shoulder to bear and became an indentured servant”  Vayechi 49:15

Trump proposes to offset half of his increases in his bloated defense budget with cuts to SNAP (Food Stamps) that reduce benefits, limit relief for the working poor, and withhold participation from 4 million people. His $1.4 Trillion tax windfall for corporations, which, contrary to his promises, neither increased business spending nor repatriated foreign earnings, has him searching for savings that won’t penalize the Republican Donor Class, but that, ironically, will punish his unwaveringly fervid rural base as well as tens of thousands of Jews including the 20% of Cleveland Jews who live in poverty. Dramatically cutting SNAP, which primarily supports the elderly, the working poor, the disabled, and single-parent families, will make millions more destitute and will exacerbate the intolerable scourge of food insecurity that plagues our communities – the parts of our communities to which we seem oblivious. 

Continue Reading January 10, 2020

January 3, 2020 “Joseph gave his brothers the best of the land”                Vayigash 47:11

Jews in America have transformed from illiterate slum-dwelling immigrants to enjoying, today, the “best of the land”. Our journey profited from our vigorous Jewish and family values and our fixations on education and advancement. It was aided as well, despite eruptions of anti-Semitic sentiment, by our ability to assimilate into the general culture, to escape the oppression of slum neighborhoods, and to finance our own generous social service culture. Racial minorities, however, have had none of these advantages, trapped by redlining in the inner-city, by job discrimination, and by all of the social ills these conditions perpetuate. We Jews are justly proud of our gains, but let’s not permit that to engender the conceit that, because we did it, those so less empowered than us are deficient. By advocating for our downtrodden brothers for housing equity, social services, improved school resources, day care, early education and college tuition, we can make the “best of the land” reachable for all. L’Shana Tova!

Continue Reading January 3, 2020

December 27, 2019 “And Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I am Pharaoh’.”   Mikeitz 41:44

The miracle of Chanukah devolved through generations of Hasmonean rule into a corrupt plutocracy until, finally, Herod, a dissolute and narcissistic tyrant placed his sycophants even in the Holy Temple. These elites then bowed to a succession of Roman governors leading, ultimately, to a popular revolt and, sadly, to the destruction of Jerusalem. Today, the disparity in wealth between the few and the many has again reached historical proportions and the vanity of today’s ruling elites bears some dark resemblance to Herodian history, even down to our dissolute and narcissistic current President. At this time of giving, however, let’s remember the 90% – the workers, the teachers, the single mothers, the neglected poor, the students, those trapped in crime-infested neighborhoods and the working poor. The effect of our influential Jewish community, acting with less cynicism and, instead, with compassion for those who toil for our benefit will be miraculous. Happy Chanukah!

Continue Reading December 27, 2019

December 20, 2019 “They hated him and could not speak with him peacefully” Vayeishev 37:4

The incomprehensible impeachment proceedings that rely solely on the President’s albeit illegitimate 8-minute coercion of the Ukrainian president failed to energize even the Democratic base, much less the all-important Moderates so essential in Presidential elections. In fact, the hearings embody a narrow partisan attack that ironically repulses a skeptical populace. Ironic, indeed, is how those Democrats ignored 36 months of corruption, cupidity, emoluments, and executive overstep not to mention the fraudulent business practices, serial defalcations, promiscuity, money-laundering, and fabrications that epitomize Pres. Trump’s adult life. Impeaching him Constitutionally is a vain and hopeless enterprise. Leading a public and piercing impeachment of this President in the Public Square, however, was and is the responsibility of the Democratic Party and they have almost comically failed to do it. 

Continue Reading December 20, 2019

December 13, 2019 “Rescue me, please, from the hand of my brother”         Vayishlach 32:12

It has been frequently said that President Trump’s extraordinary decision last week to overrule the Navy disciplinary regimen and grant clemency and pardons to Navy Seals accused and convicted of war crimes by their comrade-in-arms undermines military discipline. More importantly, however, it debases a military code that honors rules of engagement, that compels witnesses of violations of that code to come forward, and that sets an ethical benchmark for the nations of the world. In 1973, 73 Israeli prisoners of war were murdered in cold blood by their Syrian captors. Hafez Assad, at least as far as anybody knows, did not hold the killers accountable. In the Korean War, North Korea and its Chinese patrons routinely murdered American prisoners of war. What strange precedents for our President to aspire to.

Continue Reading December 13, 2019

December 6, 2019 “The families of the earth shall bless themselves by you”    Vayeitzei 28:14

Pride in America’s role as a peacemaker, as a source of economic stability, a mediator, a steward of security, and a sponsor of democracy has always served as a guide for our leaders and as a foundation for patriotism among our youth. As we shrink from international leadership, embolden foreign autocrats, disrupt markets, coerce our neighbors and allies, and disavow our promises, we not only sow chaos around the world; we also breed cynicism and apathy at home. Worse, this international detachment seeps into the domestic consciousness and permits a cynical coddling of political and economic elites and an apathy about essentials such as public education, food security, health care, and economic mobility. If we ignore what we, as Americans, were raised to revere, the world we once illuminated will suffer, but we, too, will become a wretched and divided society. 

Continue Reading December 6, 2019

November 29, 2019 “Why should I be bereaved of both of you on the same day” 27:45 Toldos

On the same day the House Intelligence Committee concluded hearings that confirmed Donald Trump has abased our diplomacy to promote his own re-election, Binyamin Netanyahu found himself indicted for bribery. Both of them find it convenient to deflect suspicion from themselves by demonizing as biased and devious the security and law enforcement institutions that have initiated investigations of them. Faith in the judiciary, the police, FBI, CIA, etc., is the foundation of the rule of law and attacking the dedicated men and women who risk life and limb to keep us safe and defend us from foreign hostility is devious and contemptible. Whether or not Trump’s mischief warrants impeachment or Bibi’s cupidity is a crime, their loathsome attacks on public institutions is unforgivable. 

Continue Reading November 29, 2019

November 22, 2019 “Abraham purchased he field within its boundaries in the presence of all Chayei” Sarah 23:18

Mike Pompeo’s artful explanation for asserting the legality of settlements in the occupied territories was to refer to it as confirming Pres. Reagan’s views ignores Reagan’s relentless hostility to Menachim Begin and Israel’s policies. Reagan, who declared that the settlements did not violate international law, nevertheless, repeatedly demanded a settlement freeze, infuriated Prime Minister Shamir with his unilateral outreach to Yasser Arafat, and threatened an arms embargo to force Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon. Barak Obama, himself, vetoed a UN resolution defining the settlements as illegal.  Impeachment or Bibi’s cupidity is a crime, their loathsome attacks on our public institutions is unforgivable. 

Continue Reading November 22, 2019

November 15, 2019 “….keep the way of Hashem with charity and justice”   Vayeira 18:19

All of the bickering over immigration and impeachment and the Democratic primaries have tended to thrust into the background issues critical to a large cohort of our citizens. In a time of plenty, poverty still infests our urban centers and rural America. Our elderly, single-parent families, chronically unemployed, mentally ill, and working poor neighbors suffer food insecurity, homelessness, deteriorating schools and lack of access to health care. While tax reductions for corporations, increased defense spending and expanded Medicare utilization generated a deficit approaching a trillion dollars, our frugal leaders targeted the Affordable Care Act and imposed new restrictions on access to Medicaid, food stamps, and college loan forgiveness. Add to that the wars on public education and on community policing and we find ourselves in a society where the privileged flourish and too many or the rest of us continue to suffer. For that, Ezekiel taught, Sodom was destroyed.

Continue Reading November 15, 2019

November 8, 2019 “And the one who curses you I shall curse”     Lech Lecha 12:3

Democrats, in 2016, foolishly and fatally permitted the Republicans to exploit the deceitful, counterfeit slander of “Benghazi” and today they’re improbably failing to exploit genuine mischief of, for instance, the swiftly released and deported Russian spy Maria Butina whose infiltration and coercion of Republican elites and the NRA abetted Russia’s pro-Trump election interference. Similarly, Dems are failing to exploit Trump’s betrayal of our Kurdish allies, abandoning eastern Syria to Russian hegemony and emboldening Hezbollah in Syria. Democrats, while seeming to disregard Trump’s hyperbolical characterizations of them as “scum”, etc., rarely utilize truly ingenuous depictions of Trump as “liar”, “groper”, “deadbeat” and “Putin’s puppy” almost as if endorsing his vile conduct. Benghazi? How about “Butina” or “Betrayal”? 

Continue Reading November 8, 2019

November 1, 2019 “And God saw the earth and behold it was corrupted” Noach  6:12

The Climate Change-denying Trump Administration has proposed logging of Alaska’s coastal Tongass Forest, the last intact temperate rainforest in the world, threatening pristine water sources and climate stability. Surprise? Previously Trump endorsed the massively polluting open-pit Pebble and Donlin gold/copper mines and natural gas pipeline and port, all on the headwaters of Alaska’s Bristol Bay, the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery. Add to that his recompense to Big Coal and Big Oil, offering them national monuments lands for mining and drilling, waiving coal ash and water pollution regulations; and revoking the Clean Power Plan. He has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement, revoked sea level rise restrictions in Federal construction, and virtually halted EPA criminal prosecutions.  Time to build an ark?  China/NBA Kaepernick-compulsory patriotism, protest as long as you don’t offend me with your form of protest.

Continue Reading November 1, 2019

October 25, 2019 “And Adam begat sons and daughters”   B’reishit 5:4

And Trump begat Treas; Secy. Mnuchin, whose bank, bought from FDIC for $0.00 and re-sold for $7B, rapaciously foreclosed on thousands of homeowners, who begat Interior Secy. Ross, Big Coal executive and The Face of mining in national monuments, who begat climate-change denying EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, who resigned under pressure of 14 different GAO investigations for conflicts of interest and spending for personal benefit, who begat his climate-change denying EPA successor former Murray Coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, who begat HHS Secy. Tom Price who resigned when the HHS Inspector General demanded he repay hundreds of thousands of dollars of wasteful personal expenditures, who begat Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Mike Mulvaney who discontinued its enforcement, who begat Paul Manafort, who begat William Barr, who begat Rudy Giuliani, who all begat foreign interference in our elections. Hoshana!

Continue Reading October 25, 2019

October 18, 2019 “Punishment for the nations that will not observe”  Succot Haftorah 14:19

America has a history of supporting democracy and embracing independence. Though at times somewhat misguided (Viet Nam,Central America, Iraq and The Arab Spring), we proudly supported Japan, and Germany, a free Hungary, Polish independence, the Soviet republics, and democracy in Cuba, Venezuela, Cambodia, and Philippines. We passed the East European Democracy Act under Reagan and, in bi-partisan unity, banned political assassination, intimidation, and detention. President Trump turns history on its head by embracing despots in Poland, Hungary, Philippines, Turkey (how’s that working?), and Egypt, and his bromances with Kim Jong-Un and Putin disgrace us. And now, plumping for deposed, corrupt pro-Soviet former Ukrainian bureaucrats while slandering her anti-corruption champions, endorsing Soviet occupation of Syria by abandoning our Kurdish allies to Turkish butchery, and disavowing Hong Kong’s lovers of freedom, Trump has glitteringly burnished his anti-democracy laurels.

Continue Reading October 18, 2019

October 11, 2019 “Their wine is the bitterness of cobras”     Ha’Azinu  32:33

Anyone who digests alt-right and Republican messaging from Breitbart and the Fox network as if it were actual news affirms the peculiar psychological device these outlets pursue by which those with particular beliefs will trust even implausible statements that nevertheless affirm those beliefs. Similarly, Jews, flattered by Trump’s pro-Israel gestures, are ignoring his withdrawal of military support for the mostly Kurdish Free Syria fighters, a Trump act of obeisance to Russia that will bring about a Turkish military incursion to destroy them. Putting Israel’s security at risk by strengthening Assad and permitting Turkish occupation of Syria must not be concealed behind Trump’s political gestures and nationalistic rhetoric. Time to change the channel!

Continue Reading October 11, 2019

October 4, 2019 Forgive us, pardon us, and grant us atonement….  Yom Kippur liturgy

Even some Republicans are squeamish about Trump treasonously bartering U.S. security in eastern Europe to coerce the Ukrainian president to fabricate a political ambush. What they’re not squeamish about is the other rampant corruption in the Trump milieu: Ex-lobbyists in cabinet positions in blatant conflict of interest, bureaucrats’ disgraceful excesses in travel, furnishings, and expenses, EPA debasement benefiting Big Coal and Big Oil donors, flagrant violation of Constitutional emolument articles to enrich Trump resorts and hotels, and, of course, Trump’s persistent slander of those who fail his solipsism benchmark or who oppose him. May we all find absolution in 2020.  May you, our readers, all be inscribed and sealed for a good year.

Continue Reading October 4, 2019

September 27, 2019 Rosh Hoshanah

Our recipes for correcting the excesses of the Political Class and the inequalities in our society are pungent by design, but aspire to the sweetness of Jewish values epitomized by justice, compassion, and dignity for all. May your New Year have just the right amount of spice and sweetness.  L’Shana Tova!

Continue Reading September 27, 2019

September 20, 2019 “Let not the hired person call out to Hashem against you” Deut. 24:15

The UAW strike against GM over wages, forfeited benefits, permanent “temporary” workers and security recalls 40-years of successful corporate promotion and lobbying to smear and crush unions and to diffuse employees’ challenges. Unionized employees are 1/3 the percentage of 50 years ago and Forbes magazine notes how middle class wealth declined with union representation. Because of the tenacity of organized labor retirement, hospitalization, paid time off, and job safety became routine and it is the consequence of the decline in unionization that so many young people today, many burdened with college loans, work longer hours for the same pay, forego retirement benefits, tolerate healthcare hopelessly saddled with deductibles, and often find themselves in outsourced jobs with little sustainability.  Not more competitive, more predatory.

Continue Reading September 20, 2019

September 13, 2019 ” When you harvest, the gleanings shall be for the stranger, the widow and the orphan” Ki Teitzei  24:19

We who are the fortunate inheritors of fossil fuel prosperity ought to show compassion to the victims of climate change, so many of whom are casualties of the hurricanes that have ravaged our Caribbean neighbors. We have reaped AND we have gleaned for so many years with little care for how these places are impacted. We are so generous to our own, to our synagogues, Federations, colleges, etc. We’re commanded also to remember the stranger. Today, in the Bahamas where 70,000 are homeless and destruction reigns, the need for our help is profound – just the gleanings, of course. But, please: At least the gleanings. And let us – please – not continue to ignore the threat of global warming: “You shall not contaminate your Land” 21:23

Continue Reading September 13, 2019

September 6, 2019 “If a matter of judgement is hidden from you, rise up!” Shoftim 17:18

Fake News? Yes, the Fox jesters and their social media and talk radio alt-right collaborators churn out phony narratives, from the Clinton child abuse pizza parlor to the Seth Rich murder conspiracy, and plenty more, but what’s more troubling is the willingness of their naïve followers to accept lies about CNN, Mexicans, climate change, welfare queens, white victimhood, our security agencies, gun confiscation, and marshalling of tax cuts for the wealthy. Meanwhile, de-funding civics and social studies in schools, replacing newspaper journalism with targeted internet provocateurs, and the determination of the political/corporate elite to promote these fabrications entrench them.  We can define depravity as an urgency to accept the outrageous claims of those who have seduced you and the political-broadcast devil’s pact of the right is one big Foxy mama!

Continue Reading September 6, 2019

August 30, 2019 “Not by bread alone does man live”        Devarim 8:3

Jobs. “Jobs” is the great and artful deflection the Republicans and this callous President have used for years to manipulate their base and to slyly justify innumerable policies aimed to absolve corporate polluters, permit competition-stifling mergers, restrict legal immigration, attack the rights of employees to organize, commercialize public lands for Big Ag and Big Oil, neutralize consumer protections, preserve an impoverishing minimum wage, fatten corporate elites with tax cuts, and beggar public education. “The 1%” and “The 10%” continue to prosper while the jobs upon which most of us rely are less and less adequate for our college loans, medical care deductibles, retirements, and the cartel-like pricing in travel, media/communications, health care, and college tuition. How about a little more bread for the rest of you?   “Jobs” should not be just a Republican political slogan.

Continue Reading August 30, 2019

August 23, 2019 “You shall teach your children”                       Eikev 11:19

The for-profit university industry has notoriously defrauded mostly poor young people, often post-military, and minority students, seducing them with tuition loans and empty promises of jobs and quality education, and burdening them with debt. As a condition for keeping their student loan authority, an appalled President Obama compelled these institutions to submit to independent accreditation – which they spectacularly failed. Trump’s Secy. of Education, the notorious Betsy DeVos, has now reversed independent accreditation requirements, dismantled investigations of the abusive “schools”, killed rules that enabled defrauded students to contest their debts, and brazenly hired a herd of industry executives and lobbyists to run enforcement and administration of these programs. As Trump and Republican candidates enjoy millions of the industry’s campaign dollars, you may ask: Who epitomized this fraud? None other than Trump University!

Continue Reading August 23, 2019

August 16, 2019Surely a wise and discerning people is this great nation”   V’eschanan 4:6

The “Start-up Nation” hasn’t quite trickled down to all Israelis. Half the Arab population and nearly half of the “Ultra-Orthodox” live below 50% of median income. 26% of single-parent households, 20% of elderly, and 20% of all families are impoverished, half of those representing the “working poor”, 10% of Jewish households in Israel, leaving Israel behind Mexico, Chile and Turkey. As Knesset Minister Itzak Schmuli (Zionist Union) said, “for 40 houses in Amona, the entire government gets on its feet, but for 2,000,000 poor people, nobody says a word.” In Israel, as in America, “jobs” is not the issue; opportunity is the issue. As is  terminating the political class’ obsession with preserving its own political dominance, with tax cuts for the powerful, and with corporate ascendency. Education, food security, and economic disparity are, surprisingly, urgent matters for too many Israelis left behind.

Continue Reading August 16, 2019

August 9, 2019 “You girded on every man his weapons”   Devarim  1:41

Sunday, the local newspapers front page depicted camouflaged white man-boys crawling with their assault weapons, pretending to be soldiers of fortune.  The same day, 2 more white man-boys with their M-16s slaughtered 2 dozen of their neighbors in Dayton and El Paso, the 124th and 125th American man-boy mass-murderers so far this year, all feeling valorized by the Right’s legitimization of political hate and by the NRA – the advocacy voice for arming white man-boys. A Supreme Court of supposed grown-ups elevates this infantile compulsion to religious 2nd Amendment sanctity. And a Cleveland Jewish Federation taskforce, now re-considering its gun policies, includes some of our own white man-boys, terrified that we’re coming to seize their guns. Israelis fear terrorists. Here, we must fear a flock of pathetic manipulated political sheep, desperate to prove their manhood.

Continue Reading August 9, 2019

August 2, 2019 A man shall not desecrate his word ”     Matot 30:3  

Promises, promises. Candidate Trump promised to bring back coal mining jobs, but only a paltry 1,500 jobs have resulted from $2B in coal subsidies and regulatory relief. For his first 30 months, 500K manufacturing jobs were added, 20% less than under the last 30 months of the Obama administration. His promised repatriation of corporate foreign earnings is at only 5.5% of those earnings. His promises of a new health care program, an infrastructure program, de-nuclearization of North Korea, and his promised Chinese trade capitulation have all been empty. And his empty promise to “drain the swamp”, in retrospect, might actually be a joke if the collection of influence peddlers, lobbyists, wife-beaters, and sycophants now running most of the government weren’t so dangerous.

Continue Reading August 2, 2019

July 26, 2019 “This is the offering you shall make”  Pinchas 28:3

It’s 18 months since the massive tax cut. Result:  Wage growth for the 2nd quarter 2019 was less than the three months prior to the Trump election. The promised repatriation of foreign earnings is still a mere 5.5% of foreign earnings. Growth in GDP in the first two quarters of 2019 does not even exceed that of the last two quarters of 2017.  Gross business investment is up merely 1% since 1Q 2018 – though corporations did use their enormous tax savings for $1 Trillion in stock buybacks. Most personal tax rate reductions were offset by a loss of deductions. In fact, the chief consequence, as described by the Congressional Research Service, has been a $1 Trillion deficit this year, a 66% increase over 2017, and a windfall for the Republican Donor Class. 

Continue Reading July 26, 2019

July 19, 2019…come now and curse this people for me ”   Balak 22:6

In 2008, Republicans attacked Barak Obama because his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, condemned the U.S. for terrorism against Viet Nam, Iraq and American Blacks and for deceit in justifying invasions of Iraq and Viet Nam. Donald Trump, however, who somehow found “very fine people” among the neo-Nazis brownshirting through Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us”, hasn’t heard a peep of opprobrium from those Republicans about his Social Media Summit last week in OUR White House, his freak show of internet trolls, white supremacists, anti-Semites (including vile Sebastian Gorko, member-in-good-standing of anti-Semitic Magyar Garda), and of Trump’s Dark Web sycophants, all proudly legitimized by a President marshalling hate to animate his base.  Do we Jews hear echoes of Germany, Poland, Moab…?

Continue Reading July 19, 2019

July 12, 2019 “his contamination is still upon him”    Chukat 19:13

Treasury Department fines Donald Trump’s Taj Mahal Casino $10 Million for money laundering. Laundering whose money? Russian mafia and oligarchs. Trump’s business recovery from multiple bankruptcies expedited by foreign investors and condo purchasers. Who? Russians. Trump deletes Republican platform language supporting Ukraine defenses. Who benefits? Russia. Donald Trump attempts to block the investigation of Russian election interference. Trump proposes to withdraw remaining U.S. troops in Syria protecting Kurds. Who benefits? Russian client Bashar Assad. Trump attacks NATO. Who benefits? Russia. Trump encourages breakup of European Union. Who benefits? Russia. Trump withdraws from Iran agreement. Who benefits? Russian oil. Coincidence or is something rotten here? 

Continue Reading July 12, 2019

July 5, 2019 They gathered together against Moses and Aaron” Korach 16:3

When last week the partisan Supreme Court permitted state legislatures their anti-democratic computerized gerrymandering, the justices completed their repudiation of voting rights enshrined in the 14th and 15th Amendments of the Constitution. In addition to the current decision, Citizens United, Shelby v. Holder, Husted v A Phillip Randolph Inst., Crawford v Marion County, and Abbot v Perez, together decree the justices’ new definition of democracy: Unlimited corporate and dark money contaminating elections, nullification of 1965 Voting Rights Act protections, imposition of discriminatory ID voting requirements, and  sanctioning of racially-discriminatory and political gerrymandering. It’s a partisan revolution.

Continue Reading July 5, 2019

June 28, 2019They spread an evil report about the land” Shellach 13:32

This week we’ll read about the spies’ fake news in the Wilderness of Zin. Jews recall the libels that have justified exclusion, discrimination, and violence against them, but too many of us are nevertheless willing to overlook the libels and lies of our leaders and of their broadcast and digital sycophants. Bibi, facing credible indictment for bribes, and Trump, whom, despite his denials, the Mueller report clearly accuses of lies and obstruction, both resort to extremist political activity to mobilize their bases and deflect from their corruption. Peace and security in Israel has never and will never emerge out of confrontation. And that’s the truth!

Continue Reading June 28, 2019

June 21, 2019The people were looking to complain” B’Haloscha 11:1

A recent New Yorker cover depicted Mitch McConnel, Bill Barr, and Lindsay Graham kneeling and polishing a diffident President’s shoes. The free trade Republicans now obsequiously endorse his tariff wars. The puritan Republicans who impeached Clinton over his sordid affair embrace a self-proclaiming misogynist and serial adulterer. The virtuous Republicans who excoriated Obama for saying you could keep your healthcare plan, now absolve their bleach blond leader to whom PolitiFact attributes 10,000 li (where did he get the time?). And the party of the leader of the free world endorse his jingoism that could turn the … Gulf of Oman of into a bottleneck of disabled oil tankers or worse…
At what point should we launch a complaint or two

Continue Reading June 21, 2019

June 14, 2019 He shall give the bitter … waters to the woman to drink” Nasso  5:14

Even the most rigorous Orthodox Jewish organizations will permit abortion under certain extreme circumstances and virtually all other Jewish organizations have condemned the recent Alabama diktat.  Most also condemn other attacks on Women’s rights to make decisions about their own bodies and on women’s health organizations. It is a canard to describe pro-choice advocates as “pro-abortion” because nobody really is. The Right has arrogantly reduced this merely to a political issue. Judaism clearly holds the mother’s health as controlling in these difficult decisions and Judaism’s compassion and respect for pregnant women and concern for their health is truly “Pro-Life”.  

Continue Reading June 14, 2019

June 7, 2019 Take a census of the Children of Israel            Bamidbar 1:2

The concurrence in Israel with the U.S. of accusations of a corrupt executive, “witch hunts”, border walls, partisanship, and attacks on the free press extends also to Israeli society where the Ntl. Insurance Inst. reports poverty encompasses 31% of children, 20% of elderly, 45% of “ultra-orthodox”, and nearly 20% of post-1990 olim. Similarly, issues of income inequality, homelessness, deteriorating public education, and racism torment Israelis as they do many Americans. Start-Up Nation and the U.S. have both prioritized business growth, but at significant cost to social services, education, and community. God counted us out of his love for each one of us. Then again: Who’s counting? 

Continue Reading June 7, 2019

May 31, 2019 “Reject my statues and I will appoint terror over you” Bechukosai 26:16

Cambodia – 1975-79

Iraq – 1986-89

Somalia – 1988-91

Rwanda – 1994

Bosnia – 1994-95

Chechnya – 1999-2009

Darfur – 2003-now

Sri Lanka – 2006-09

Syria – 2014-17

Myanmar – 2016-17

Yemen – 2016-now


Continue Reading May 31, 2019

May 24, 2019 “If thy brother be waxen poor, you shall uphold him” Behar 25:35

Food Stamps (SNAP) are often criticized in racial terms, frequently disparaging those dependent upon them as profiteers. In fact, only 26% of SNAP recipients are Black and, other than impoverished elderly, disabled, and children (80% of SNAP households), the majority of SNAP recipients are actually working poor and the great majority receive the benefit for no more than 9 months. For Jews, confronting poverty with compassion and generosity is a commandment, not an option. The cynicism and meanness of the Right towards the poor is an idolatry of a non-existent social resiliency, a conceit that ignores the crippling poverty virtually every SNAP recipient endures.

Continue Reading May 24, 2019

May 17, 2019 “Ye shall have one law for strangers as for the homeborn”  Emor 24:22

Despite the mulish fealty of its faithful, the Trump Presidency has been a bonanza primarily for the rich, rewarding but mere crumbs to its devotees. A trillion dollar tax cut to corporations that triggered huge stock buybacks while tickling down just a few more jobs, a tariff war that punishes consumers and farmers disproportionately, a huge military windfall to arms and military aircraft producers with corresponding cuts to consumer protection, to Medicaid (severely impacting our Federation agencies), to environmental protection and corporate oversight, opposition to college loan relief and a war against public education. Two different outcomes – a bounty for the swamp and the remnant for the rest of us. 

Continue Reading May 17,2019

May 10, 2019 “With Righteousness shall you judge your fellow”     Kedoshim 19:15

The new “J’accuse” is to denounce Democrats as “Socialists”, some referencing their own bitter lives under Russian “Socialism”, who worry that Liberals are leading us towards a Cuba- or Venezuela-like catastrophe. While the most consistent Soviet lie was to proclaim its Socialist bonifides, the USSR was never socialist. It was and is fascist kleptocracy. How its victims, even now, in America, still cohere to this Soviet “Socialist” yarn testifies to its Orwellian resilience and, perhaps, to the gullibility that Soviet culture, even here, still engenders. Banishment, expropriation, collectivization, despoiling the land, and the piracy inherent to the apparatchik enterprise never bore any resemblance to Socialism. When American Jewish advocacy rescued our Russian comrades, most of them relied on Food Stamps, Medicaid, HIAS, and a host of other “socialist” services. If Social Security, Medicare, childcare, public education, pre-school, food security, healthcare for all, consumer protections and conservation define “socialism”, being so labelled isn’t so bad. “Woe to those who issue repressive decrees”   Isaiah 10:1

Continue Reading May 10, 2019

May 3, 2019 “Where I will bring you, shun the doings of whence you came”  Achare Mot 18:3

“Fair and Balanced” is a slogan so drenched in irony that its hubris gets overlooked. Rupert Murdoch, an Australian naturalized solely to qualify for U.S. broadcast media ownership, has brilliantly and gluttonously seized on anger and latent tribalism in America with his divisive and deceptive promotion of Republican propaganda and his derogation of minorities, environmental regulation, and the American moral leadership that has inspired 75 years of prosperity, international peace, trade stability and nuclear disarmament. That Jews with a dialectical tradition can interpret Fox as “news” and “information” has Orwellian implications with appalling historical precedent.

Continue Reading May 3, 2019

April 26, 2019 “They have eyes, but cannot see”   Hallel – Psalm 135

To those celebrating the Special Prosecutor’s report as if it exonerated the President, please note that it clearly documents his relentless laboring to obstruct and thwart the investigation, from firing the FBI Director to urging his underlings to terminate the Prosecutor to maligning the investigators. And it plainly declares that he colluded with liars, cheaters, low-lives, porn stars, industry lobbyists and foreign agents from before his nomination to the present. While it didn’t require a Mueller Report to reveal the level of corruption and deception infecting this White House, the report documents much of it for all to see; all but those whose willingness to cleave to this wreckage to fulfill their own ambitions makes them accessories. 

Continue Reading April 26, 2019

April 19, 2019 “Pour out your wrath upon the nations that do not acknowledge you” (Haggadah)

Hearing Rep. Ilhan Omar invoke historically anti-semitic tropes summons memory of fear, hostility, and disgust directed at Jews in the early years of the last century by popular commentators, politicians and academics. This organized dehumanization and demonization of our vulnerable minority (as well as Asians and Italians) culminated in the 1924 Immigration Act the goal of which was to preserve America’s “ethnic homogeneity” and consequently permitted the Nazi liquidation of countless Jews prohibited from immigration to the U.S. Whatever ones’ immigration politics, for Jews, dehumanization of central American emigrants desperate for a better life invokes the worst aspects of anti-semitic xenophobia. Similarly, when our legitimate concern for Israeli security provokes us to dehumanize Palestinians, to justify their cantonization, and to contemn their national and communal aspirations, it recalls our own historic humiliations. On Pesach, we are reminded that once we, too, were strangers in the land of Egypt. Chag Sameach!

Continue Reading April 19, 2019

April 12, 2019The Kohen shall command…the house not be contaminated” Metzorah 14:36

The Republicans and Trump have been as tough on the environment as on journalism, only more effectively. Repealing laws that hold mining companies accountable for polluting water supplies, weakening restrictions against coal-ash pollution of rivers and rolling back power plant mercury emission limits, they have reciprocated to the Kochs, Murrays and their other coal baron patrons. Similarly, opening over 2 million acres, over half of National Monument lands in Utah, to mining, removing bans on carcinogenic pesticides (Chlorpyrifos) and TCE – a dangerous industrial solvent, and proposing rule changes that would restrict EPA access to various environmental impact studies all coincide with putting recent industry trade association executives in charge of EPA toxic chemical regulation and clean air research – as if conflict of interest is the new normal. The Kohen is instructed to disassemble stone by stone a hopelessly contaminated house. Let’s not give the Republican donor class the keys to our house. 

Continue Reading April 12, 2019

April 5, 2019 “The Kohen shall declare it contaminated”   Tazria 13:25

Despite politicians’ festering annexation plan and their indifference to the tzaaras of anti-Israel sentiment, the real Israel patriots are mapping out a path to security and peace. The Commanders for Israel’s Security consists of the overwhelming majority of retired IDF generals and their equivalents in the security services. The generals are united in the conviction that a two-state agreement is essential to Israel’s security. They are against mere “threat containment” and have proposed 1) a fair and prudent Area C construction compromise with Palestinians, 2) a Gaza strategy based upon a rehab program and regional cooperation, and 3) approaching a 2-state solution in a way that restores credibility to Israel’s commitment to peace and undermines BDS and other hostile initiatives. The politicians are for themselves. The generals, in war and in peace, are defending the Zionist mission.

Continue Reading April 5, 2019


March 29, 2019 “Every creeping creature…is an abomination”    Shemini 11:41

Almost every post-9/11 mass killing in America was perpetrated by white supremacists. While they don’t profess a supranational affiliation such as “The Islamic State”, these Nazi and KKK clones and individual fanatics are linked in many ways, more closely, now, through social media . By failing to view them as an organized threat the way we view Islamic terrorism or as they view Jews, Hispanics, African-Americans and Muslims, we license them to menace minorities and critics in public forums and on the margins of free speech. And, much like The Islamic State, they occasionally arouse a pathetic adherent to fulfill their murderous ambitions.

The Charlottesville chants of “Jews will not replace us” and “Russia is our friend” still rankle, but so do those among us who refrain from condemning these monsters by referring to the “antifa” and alluding to the “good people” among them, or by acquitting their “benign” media partisans as “merely” alt-right – You know: “just somewhat” trayf.

Continue Reading March 29, 2019

March 22, 2019 “Do not think that you will escape the fate of all the Jews by being in the king’s palace” Megillah 4:13

The Megillah describes a tyrant who today seems strangely familiar. We read how Ahashuerus, a debauched, self-absorbed misogynist, surrounded by a wicked vizier and corrupt advisors impulsively issues decrees, especially one, based upon a lie, that condemns a conveniently vulnerable minority, the Jews, provokes his base to attack them and endorses their annihilation. And, in the strangest coincidence of all, the tyrant has a familial Jewish connection that miraculously mobilizes the rescission of his decree. The Megillah’s condemnation of Ahashuerus and Haman isn’t just a narrative about the intersection of politics and morality, whether in America or ancient Persia. It is a lesson for Jews, even if it takes the courage of Esther to fulfill it, that faith in something greater than a pathetic charmer is ultimately what protects us and for cleaving to our moral code when corruption and meanness surround us.

Continue Reading March 22, 2019